Woman on the Top

Woman on the Top

27 August 2016

ten wallpapersxl com
Courtesy wallpapersxl.com



Your empty wordings

Flowing free

Withered tree

Unwatered by your limp hand

A mouth to demand



Your hatred coursing

Black rivers

Bring shivers

Brethren replicate the quakes

Judges make mistakes



A burning willow

Nooses flow

Like the waves

Your mountains’ glory but caves

Sheltering the knaves



Congratulate self

Twisted doll

Tightly knit

Into clothes that barely fit

Reintegrates shelf



My nerves leading way

From decay

To dismay

Prosecuting intention

Witnesses galore



My fiery breath

Heated frame

Sorry lame

I will not stretch below tame

Woman on the Top


Reading of the poem: 

ten justingedak com
Courtesy justinegedak.com

The Eternal Return – Irfan

Monsalvato – Irfan

Peregrinatio – Irfan


Within the absence of all

Within the absence of all

28 February 2016

void saatchiart com (2)
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on saatchiart.com


Empty three vocals

Caught in throat

As I float

Otherworldly hands grasp me

My world is now shut


Like regret

Make me your sunset

Fading light

Glow me night

Seek me in the open winds

Where horizons merge


Wish me stars

I have hidden scars

Under lace

Through silk cloths

That speak of fiercest cuttings

Coursing through the wild


Let me be

There are reasons small

They crouch slight

As we call

Summoning of the amused

Pitfalls of laughter


Free my soul

Cease the mindless quest

Heart’s arrest

Is wane fate

Tomorrow I will be whole

In blood of my kind


Grant me void

Let me spin empty

Into dark


Within the absence of all

None that I recall


Reading of the poem: 

void pinterest com 6
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on pinterest.com

Versa – We are not what we say we are

Now that the trail has gone cold

Now that the trail has gone cold

15 November 2015

trail lovethispic com 45717-Woman-And-Seashell
Courtesy lovethispic.com


In the beginning

Time washed me on empty shores

Shell of air that hung


She breathed me Fire

Mother wove me from her womb

Golden thread for stars


She covered me clay

Rising tides her Oceans spent

Nights on my dark hair


trail pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com

. .

She swelled me tremors

Beating Heart she raised me high

Tidal waves my blood


trail crystallinks com
Courtesy crystallinks.com


She kneaded me bread

The black and the white she joined

Every mouth to feed


I wake in her ice

Now that the trail has gone cold

Heart follows her scent

Only my Mother

Scent of Jasmine knew her feet

Ambrosian Life


trail pinterest com spirit of love
Courtesy pinterest.com


The Cranberries – Zombie

The Cranberries – Dreams

The Cranberries – Animal Instinct



In Nomine Patris – Not!

In Nomine Patris -Not!

20 October 2015

chains thespiritscience net
Courtesy thespiritscience.net



Only worth their stories’ weight

No food for the blind


chains riseearth com
Courtesy riseearth.com


The surge shot through me

Helter skelter ran the thoughts

Where are you within?


chains anagenis com
Courtesy anagenis.com


You hear me never

Empty points of connection

Heart-split soul happens


chains pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


Scissors in my hand

I cut through these veiled contacts

Tears in my glazed eyes


chains deviantart com
Courtesy deviantart.com


Fly away from pain

The nightingale told me soft

His spirit Withers


chains graffikerler org
Courtesy graffikerler.org


The rain falls on you

From waterfalls in my Heart

In mind no Echo


chains karing4u blogspot com
Courtesy karing4u.blogspot.com


Prayers forgotten

In Nomine Patris – Not!

I will fly within


chains gaurakrisna hu Vijnana-maya-kosa
Courtesy gaurakrisna.hu

Winding down the clocks

Winding down the clocks

13 September 2015

time pinterest com 5
Courtesy pinterest.com


Stepping back in Time

To morrows reinvented

Retracing the past


Dreamtime assists me

I fly weightless in the sky

Tied to no senses


time christyrogers com
Courtesy Christy Lee Rogers on christyrogers.com


The moonlight watches

As I filter the sunshine

Within my apron


The void reservoirs

Screech emptiness within me

As their fires chill


At loss for exchange

Trembling, beseeching for peace

I empty my pains


time christyrogers com2
Courtesy Christy Lee Rogers on christyrogers.com


Lustful and gory

The floor lapped up every drop

Shed my thickest blood


Winding down the clocks

I walked into a Time’s Age

When I stood Brave Heart


time pinterest com 7
Courtesy pinterest.com

A World of Magic

A World of Magic

4 September 2015

earthstillness15 largest
Courtesy Jean-Luc in5d.com


Straighten the measure

Music will fall soft from lips

Absurd no one quips


Pull the greying hood

Red long since went riding home

Flowers picked never


Tug a piece of war

Illusions will loosen faiths

And all in between


Tell and show in jar

I will grant my secrets too

Till chest is empty


Treasures you take home

We wove all as we spun love

I watched you coming


In desert I roam

Your face behind these eyelids

My only compass


Gift me your music

I will show you road to stars

That dance beneath skies


A World of Magic

Sheltered in my open palms

By your shielding hand


Courtesy Jean-Luc in5d.com

This empty room without you

This empty room without you

18 August 2015

imagesCYYTETVD (2)
Courtesy CYYTETVD on hdwpics.com


Every time you leave

Eye witnesses eclipses

As sun covers you


Morning birds cry shrill

From sorrow of your absence

As night dies silent


I twirl the needles

Time will hasten by my will

We will meet again


Brief moments through day

Confused storm of the senses

Reliving rapture


I wither in it

This empty room without you

Where our joys burst flames


Should I stop the Sun

Shield the moon from its day wrath

That you may lay here?


Softly soothing talk

Your lips kiss away the pain

“I have never gone!”


Absent no longer

You are now a part of me

I will reach within


ghost twirlit com Ghost-demi-moore-patrick-swayze (2)
Courtesy twirlit.com from the movie Ghost

Fabrizio Paterlini – Empty Room