Meanings of the Light

Meanings of the Light

31 May 2017

Meanings light pinterest com 3


Inspire me

Icicles forming

Around stars

Swallowed through

The lungs throbbing in new hue

Rainbow pastures fly


We don’t die

Realms of Unity

Breaking forth

Forts us hold

We listen to stories told

On brink of shadows


Raise in rows

The withered and small

Hear the call


Fluttering ravens recall

Meanings of the Light


Reading of the poem: 

Meanings light pinterest com 2

The Race – Thirty seconds to Mars

As Brotherhood stared

As Brotherhood stared

8 January 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


Six plunder

Jewels of the crown


Turned to clown

Move sixty-six feet under

Forts that knock sundown


Legend thief

Moving up the wall

I inhale

In deep call

The dying fish of the reef

Survival cost all


Melt me skies

Now EMP squared

I’ll tell tale

How we fared

Through the meltdown of the lies

As Brotherhood stared


Reading of the poem:

Courtesy Christian Schloe

The Elektrik Sky – Diane Arkenstone



« Pour vivre heureux vivons cachés » To live happy let’s live hidden

« Pour vivre heureux vivons cachés » To live happy let’s live hidden

14 September 2016


The phone rings persistently but she does not answer the call. Earlier she had answered eagerly, too eagerly perhaps. She does not want to go through another round of lessons. Her daughter passes by the room.


  • Mom, your phone is ringing
  • I know
  • Well, answer it!
  • Sure


Her daughter shrugs and heads out as the phone continues ringing a while before disconnecting. It starts ringing again but she does not answer it. She counts inwards waiting for the 15th ring after which it will stop again. Her son passes by the room.

  • Mom your phone is ringing
  • I know
  • Well, answer it!
  • Sure

Her son shrugs and picks up his laptop before heading towards his room. He pauses and turns back towards her with a grin on his face.

  • It’s rude to leave the phone ringing
  • I know
  • Well, why don’t you answer it? That would be less rude even if you kept the person waiting
  • Sure

He shrugs again and this time definitely makes a move towards his room. Meanwhile the phone has stopped ringing. It beeps as a message comes in. I’m sorry, it says. Sure, she thinks. I’m really sorry, it beeps again. Sure she thinks again. No, I mean I really really am sorry, it beeps again. She picks up the phone and types “Sure”. Talk over dinner tonight? it beeps. Sure, she types back. 10 pm? It beeps back. Sure, she types back and then puts it down.

She goes over the previous conversation they had and can’t make head or tails out of it. He was upset she did not pick him up at the airport but what was he expecting? He had confirmed to her that he had booked a hotel and the hotel had arranged for a pickup so she could not figure out why he was upset she was not there. It was not like they knew each other and she would be waiting for him like a lovesick teenager with a rose, waving her hands madly with a big smile on her face. This was strictly a matchmaking choice between adults without any fancy notions about love and they had gone through all the options very carefully and dispassionately as far as she could remember. Yet he seemed to somehow all of a sudden wish for her to act like she would be welcoming him like he was the love of her life.

She picks up the phone again. I love you, it had beeped thrice while she was absorbed in her thoughts. What a silly thing to say she thinks. He does not know her, had only seen her images and sometimes chatted with her on skype. He had no idea what she looked like really or what she liked, thought, laughed or cried about. He had no idea who she was at all yet he expected her to play out the romantic self-deluding story of having fallen in love at first sight.

Later that evening as she finishes combing her hair and putting on her heels, she picks up the phone again as it buzzes.

  • You did not give me your address precisely but I still found it
  • Good, are you at the gate?
  • Yes
  • I’m coming down. Please don’t come in and don’t come out of the taxi
  • Sure

He sounds disappointed again and she checks herself as irritation rises inside her. She does not want to appear insensitive as he has come all this way and they cannot even carry out their initial plans for a short break elsewhere but she feels he is reacting disproportionately. She hurries downstairs and as she closes the gate behind her he rises from his seat as if to come greet her but she urges him to sit back. She enters the taxi as he moves over and gives him a peck on the cheek. He looks good from up close, really good and he smells really nice, she thinks but keeps the thoughts to herself.

  • You smell nice
  • Thanks
  • You look beautiful
  • Thanks
  • I brought you some flowers. I thought I could bring them to you in the house so you could arrange them somewhere but no problem, you can take them home later

Oh God, she thinks to herself. How to tell him now that she hates cut flowers. He looks at her with a smile on his face and picks up the covered item from the floor near his feet. It is an earthen pot with a small rose plant.

  • I know you don’t like cut flowers
  • Really? How did you know?
  • You mentioned that before on your facebook

She is touched that he remembered. Even some of her close friends do not remember that about her. She feels bad at not having invited him in but then remembers her promise to herself. No allowing any suitors inside the house and no introducing anyone to her family until she is really sure. She smiles and thanks him for the flowers as the taxi speeds away to the evening’s destination “Segreto”. They talk a lot about their lives, their respective children, their vision of the future, the more concrete plans they need to make to carry this out. As the evening passes by, she catches herself looking at the rose plant in its pot several times which helps in relaxing her and she starts really enjoying his company.

  • I’m sorry about this morning
  • It’s okay, let’s forget about it
  • No, I really am sorry. I realised all of a sudden that it might have come out as patronising but I did not mean to sound like that. I was just disappointed you were not at the airport and wanted to tell you how I felt. I did not mean to be rude
  • It’s okay. It’s just that things are so awkward here, you cannot express yourself properly. You have to hide to avoid trouble as you never know how things could turn out in this country and I hate the idea of having a first encounter so restrained and artificial
  • I understand. Again I’m sorry. I had not thought about the context and was too tired this morning to keep my feelings under cover.
  • It’s okay, let’s forget about it
  • Sure?
  • Sure
  • You make me think about a French proverb that my Swiss grandmother told me once
  • What proverb?
  • Pour vivre heureux vivons cachés

He picks up her hand and kisses her wrist on the inside and smiles at her again. Now she regrets not having been there at the airport waving a red rose and sporting her biggest smile. She smiles back at him. “Pour vivre heureux vivons caches”. I like that !, she thinks to herself.


Yeh Mera Deewanapan Hai – Susheela Raman

Blue Lilly Red Lotus – Susheela Raman

Mahima – Susheela Raman



As new suns arise

As new suns arise

4 May 2016

masao yamamoto pinterest com

Wake to the morrows

They are printed within Time

The gift of the thought


The peak of stillness

Where realities unfold

Twining the outcomes


Hear the call inside

The weaknesses hidden strengths

As new suns arise


Reading of the poem: 

masao yamamoto pinterest com2

Nova Gaia / Rising


To blooming woman

To blooming woman

28 March 2016

faith youtube com



Twirling into world

Reborn blue

Stirred anew

Discover your inner shades

Walk between the blades


You are breath

Inscribed in divine

Beating heart

Birthing womb

Of all spate you are the tomb

Restless their questions


Hear the call

To blooming woman

Answer shine

Build the shrine

The Edge of Humanity

Achieving balance


Reading of the poem: 

flower wallpippo com

Waltz of the Roses – Eugen Doga

Replicating cells

Replicating cells

24 November 2015

liquid deviantart com pegasus_by_inferno5793


Mother calls me so

Night time spent in drifting winds

Wandering the skies


Pulsating her scent

As I fly through her linings

The push and the pull


Heartbeat resonance

The blue trace of her lingers

Within diamond frame


Mind flies through her blue

Scarlet trace of her fingers

Her palm my meadows


Mother sees me shine

Through the thick and the thin walls



Starry eyed children

Chest filled with her white powder



Bring me the waters

Metamorphosis strikes Heart

All dough will bear bread


The flesh for the soul

Nourishment instils bearers

The joy of the One


Mother carries me

Her back a bone of kingdoms

That icy emerged


Snow falls on her ends

Scarcity in knowledge spent

Book of shells for fools


Glorious her walk

Within the depths of her soul

Twisting gyrating


Replicating cells

I walk within my still self

A mirror for Eye


asifa deviantart comstorm_woman_by_creat01-d39r4xj

Images courtesy

Trobar de Morte – The Song of the Stones

Natasha Atlas – Adam’s lullaby


Seeing you through I

Seeing you through I

3 November 2015

seeing sophro-analyse pro



When did it begin?

I have no thread to follow

Beginning is end


The mountains are rich

With treasures of Beloved

Icicles are grapes


I who did not drink

Walk dazed in drunken stupor

From heavenly scents


You are everywhere

Earth pulses with your Heartbeats

That call out to skies


You are all sweetness

A slithering snake’s venom

Becomes bees’ honey


For every question

You gave all answers before

Universal One


Seeing You through I

I saw myself in your Light

Your Kingdom become

seeing universunmondeencouleur com

Chronos my brother

Chronos my brother

2 November 2015

chronos fineartamerica com



The road now coming

I walked in simplicity

Pathways opened up


From within darkness

I picked up scents of the light

Both woven within


I held on divine

There was a thread in the winds

Blind child heard the call


Chronos pinterest com

In between hours

Walking on the broken glass

I heeded not cuts


chronos deviantart com moon_lake_girl_by_sexydeathparty-d3gg9w2 - Copy

Mermaids walk on shards

Life is spent thus balancing

Teachings of the soul


Chronos my brother

Lent me his precious bounty

He like I just gave


What within forgive

What without never forget

All Love eternal


chronos love kipbaldwin tumblr_mtksla9ssl1qb38ylo1_500-2


krisnaradha archetype pinterest com


Manish Vyas – Tumi Bhaja re Mana

Love’s deepest calling / Divine Lover of Woman – Peruquois

Manish Vyas – Ishq (Love)

 Manish Vyas – Prasad (Offering)


Building mirror’s other reality

Building mirror’s other reality

30 October 2015

 Collecting me

Sometimes, silent, I think of you in fall

It takes all of the dew of autumn leaves

To wet my lip crackling as it now weaves

Rustling edges, Indian summers that call


From creek I look at you now birth from caul

Wistful membranes resist as Earth now heaves

The pull, the push shudder as she bereaves

More so the words that I utter to maul


Sometimes as winter would dispel meadows

It takes the frost on splintered leaves that lie

To shatter all the shards of memory


When I would gaze upon lesser shadows

Filling reducing space from eye to eye

Building mirror’s other reality

balance themysticcowboy com

Frills for our Future

Frills for our Future

26 October 2015

Silhouette of a man in Costa del Sol, Spain


Your silent call shrill

Piercing through my ice-clad form

Reinventing words


Look to horizons

There is a line in the sky

Where Blue meets the Red


frills theatlantic com (2)


Energy surges

Taking us to peak of soul



frills nextavenue org (2)


You are primal mate

I know your every shape shift

By my life you dance


Morrows will rise bright

As we flow into the light

Sensorial pulse


Show me how the waves

Will surrender to my shores

Bubbling with the Love


Tree of life awaits

As the music settles smooth

Will you call my name?


Rocks you cast upon

Our heavenly forms’ angers

Your foam met my lace


Frills for our Future

So untie the fastenings

Perhaps will it bliss


frills pinterest com (2)