Protectors of Truth

Protectors of Truth

4 January 2017

heartpath deviantart comon_the_path_to_the_truth_by_chryssalis-d32afov


They carry

Burden of Bounty

Inside skull

Brittle dull

Their minds surpassing beauty

Their hearts shades of Grey


They marry

Interweaving keen

Faith and lies

Dark and skies

In grey they lost purple sheen

Their worlds turned dismay


They tarry

Relentless abode

Of the mind

Shaped unkind

With barking wolves once they rode

Deeper into fray


The lesson

Learnt in hindsight pale

Foresight cost

Timber lost

Wooden plates for banquet stale

From mind games they play


Heart dragon

Flame for braver kind

Breathing low

Lights that glow

Stream of atoms now remind

Of forgotten day


We summon

Protectors of Truth

Speaking loud

Within cloud

Peter Mary Anne and Ruth

Tribes of soul relay


Reading of the poem: 

veil riverbankoftruth com

Protectors of Truth – Immediate Music

Surrender to Hope – Immediate Music

Destiny of the Chosen – Immediate Music

An Epic Age – Immediate Music

Serenata Immortale – Immediate Music

Prelude to Paradise – Immediate Music


The Time Traveler

The Time Traveler

1 December 2016



Walking through shadows

Of thoughts trains interwoven

Full lengths of stations


The breath he borrows

My lungs in his chest swollen

Death’s inclinations


The pain that furrows

My heart’s in his beats stolen

Borders through nations


The wizard’s cellar

With wine of yesterday reeked

As we held banquet


Mood interstellar

Through the sliding holes we peeked

His chain my anklet


The Time Traveler

Love that twixt the bubbles peaked

His fire my blanket


Reading of the poem: 

Sacred Union #1 - from Astral Travel series.

Cranes crying – Vitas

Pocelui (A kiss as long as Eternity) – Vitas

Aria – Vitas

Lucia di Lammermoor – Vitas

Unchain me

Unchain me

17 October 2016

chains shift is



Of my mind’s content

Glossy starch

On collar

Spirit cycle underwent

Remnants of dollar


Piece the meal

The banquet is served

The lurid

The blind herd

Each one gets what is deserved

In alleys of white


Give up fight

The papers are creased


Etched in quill

The weak minds not sitting still

The bosoms diseased


Derail me

Trains reset on tracks

Cutting ice

Like water

The magicians oft falter

When throwing the dice


Restrain me

Packets of the wave

Surge uphill

As I strive

By the call of banshee shrill

Leading through my Tribe


Contain me

I seep through the cracks

Eyesight lacks

The foresight

We bend where you will see might

Bringers of the Light


Unchain me


Freed me fore

Molten core

The frame wedding the intent

Messengers we sent


Reading of the poem: 

chains deviantart com


The Old Ways – Loreena Mc Kennitt


Where I watch you rest

Where I watch you rest

9 February 2016

Tomasz Alen Kopera 1976 - Polish Magical Surrealism  painter - Tutt'Art@ (1)
Thomasz Alen Kopera




Spinning wheels

Take me to rivers

Where love floats

Like blue thread

Searching for the needles’ eye

Lost in haystack spread


Sad banquet

Tasteless piece of straw

Her fingers

Like a claw

Reaching through amorphous frame

Death lays on me claim


Loosened sighs

A tight demeanour

Letting go

Of wits’ loss

Pale blossoms fading in light

As the end now nears



In between spaces

Of Angels

And corpses

Red with the beat of high fires

Consumption my seed


They feed greed

The undead that roam

Crawling Earth

With tired hearts

Unseeing eyes filled with dark

Their souls lost embers


Wooden cup

Holds blood of the son

They chase it

Their minds ache

Purpose leaves them in the wake

Morsel remembers



Play of light and dark


Rules play me

In he, mean he, mine he no!

Bring no corpse by tow


I travel

Light my burden’s weight

A compass

Golden age

An era running in Time

Friends like hair thinning


Keep the faith

Spirit words voiceless

A clean slate

Is the fate

Of those who walk in waking

Their hearts long dilate


Heartbeats throb

Through the ripping cage


Of eyesight

I am centered in the chest

Where I watch you rest


Reading of the poem: 

Stairway weary for pitcher Thomasz Alen Copera (2)
Courtesy Thomasz Alen Copera


Waiting in vain – Susheela Raman

What silence said – Susheela Raman

Oh my Love – Susheela Raman

Softly I will fade

Softly I will fade

26 November 2015

softly mymodernnet com


Releasing the task

Multiplication resumed

Frame taken over


Morrows will beckon

To new guests in the banquet

My flesh to consume


Bread for the party

Bejewelled distribution

Casket of glory



softly deviantart com federico-bebber-2


The evenings spent fast

Making the merry of host

Canticles for wine


softly mymodernnet com federico bebber



Lavish and wondrous

In pursuit of the honey

A feast for the numb


Eating out the core

A basket of apples juiced

Into oblivion


Softly I will fade

As summer breathes its last dew

Upon yellow leaves


softly pinterest com


All images courtesy except the last courtesy The beautiful ladies in mist are courtesy Federico Bebber published on

Lake of Tears – Forever Autumn

Lake of Tears – So fell Autumn rain

Lake of Tears – When my sun comes down