In my dreams I fly

In my dreams I fly

25 September 2015

fly kittythedreamer com


The pied piper blew

Into twists of my soul’s veins

Tunes of the blessings


In mind no rat race

Responded to dark musings

Moving Time backwards


fly hdwallpaperpc com


Apprentice flutist

I blew with Heart’s entrainment

Laughing notes in air


Golden faeries leapt

Between colours and the Grey

Moving us forward


fly paradigmsalon net


The push and the pull

In between neutrinos’ gaps

Subdued shimmering


In my dreams I fly

Feet on ground soul soaring high

Towards new morrows



Let me be your Gipsy Love

Let me be your Gipsy Love

4 September 2015



As time folded neat

I ruffled its snow-white sheets

And danced in their midst


In between spaces

I pranced around in transport

Life cannot bind me


No pacing in mind

A step before the other

Promises to keep


Growing in the wild

I just will not be planted

In pot place me not


Open your heart’s bars

Let me be your Gipsy Love

Reinvent our souls


I will colour Life

Rainbows will be our dwelling

Soar with me higher

gipsy fineartamerica com (2)

This incessant hide and seek

This incessant hide and seek

29 August 2015



This grasp of mine fails

To capture the whole picture

That beholds my eyes


Incessant leakage

Of soul into heart’s stem roots

Parts of me emerge


Feelings of sinking

Although grounds see me soaring

Your wings lift me through


Heart pulses with sights

That blinded numb my mind’s play

And taught me new tricks


Capturing phrases

In stilted buzz of wires

That haltingly speak


The ear composes

An orchestra for the vein

That spurts red music


The waves submerge me

Floating whole in naked sea

I reach and touch you


It cranes my neck out

This incessant hide and seek

In between two Worlds

hiding josie-brown com

The fabric of dreams

The fabric of dreams

17 August 2015

light favim com (2)


Did I see you smile?

Your teeth flashed white in my mind

Lighting mind darkened


Glimpses of your face

Haunt my every waking hour

As the dream unfolds


Nocturnal flight stilled

Longing of soul connection

As we interlocked


Brief encounters spoke

Of challenging times for hearts

That had shunned true Love


Racing pulse set free

Twin bodies from worldly ties

Back where they came from


Soaring in delight

Giddiness of the fusion

Overcame the souls


Daybreak cut through spleen

Ripping bond of nighttime’s cares

Joys now forgotten


Lost souls retreated

To realms of blue wilderness

Wishing for morrows


Purity of hope

Interwoven with light makes

The fabric of dreams


light favim comcouple-darkness-light-water-Favim_com-218347 (2)