This incessant hide and seek

This incessant hide and seek

29 August 2015



This grasp of mine fails

To capture the whole picture

That beholds my eyes


Incessant leakage

Of soul into heart’s stem roots

Parts of me emerge


Feelings of sinking

Although grounds see me soaring

Your wings lift me through


Heart pulses with sights

That blinded numb my mind’s play

And taught me new tricks


Capturing phrases

In stilted buzz of wires

That haltingly speak


The ear composes

An orchestra for the vein

That spurts red music


The waves submerge me

Floating whole in naked sea

I reach and touch you


It cranes my neck out

This incessant hide and seek

In between two Worlds

hiding josie-brown com

I will call your name

I will call your name

28 August 2015

essence tumblr com


These flames soar higher

The blaze creates new ashes

As burnt flesh will fly


A journey of Love

Where human form now desists

Melting to the core


Iridescent forms

Replaced the Earthly formats

As all flesh was gone


Clasping, unclasping

Sight will touch skin forever

As it transcends hands


Show me more of you

Let your light make me complete

Peeling dark off me


Potent and silken

These waves that bolster all flow

Submerge and lift me


Flying unabashed

On the wings of our hunger

I will call your name


essence twinflames me