The Edge of the Light

The Edge of the Light

24 June 2018

edge Christian Schloe
Courtesy Christian Schloe.


There is dark

On the road to Home

It revives


When we feel that we’re alone

It cloaks us like ink


We reach brink

Of our own limits

Fortune tells

Unheard Tales

The faithless the self impales

Carry no crosses


Heartbeats still

Raging fires cease

The disease

Self made ache

We commit the same mistake

Over and over


Withered eyes

Seek out the lanterns

Look outside

Not inside

Curtains ruffle as they slide

Concealing outcomes


The Light shines

I hold it within

Starry skies

Breath that cries

Outreach of my inner depths

When the will wavers


Seek the star

When the night is dark

Like a spark

It will guide

Know that in darkness you ride

The Edge of the Light


Reading of the poem:

Shine a Light – Banners


« When you come to the edge of all of the light you’ve known and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen. You’ll have something solid to stand on or you’ll be taught to fly » Patrick Overton


Do you hear me now ?

Do you hear me now ?

24 June 2018

Hear me Christian Schloe
Courtesy Christian Schloe


Wasted memories

Withered jasmine flowers cast

A pathway to home


Lilies in the pond

Roots swaying under water

Beckoning to stems


Yesterday’s trials

Reaching the otherworldly

Luminescent talks


Edge of sanity

Hovering in between worlds

Seeing the unseen


Ghost whispers in me

Beseeching wandering thoughts

A silent prayer


Sheltered happenings

Breathing into the ether

Do you hear me now ?


Reading of the poem: 

Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga – Original Music Video ft. Kailash Kher & Prasoon Joshi

The heirloom

The heirloom

21 June 2018

Heirloom 1 By-Your-Side-by-Christian-Schloe
Courtesy Christian Schloe


She gazed at the intricate details of the carvings on it. She wondered how anyone could carve such ornate figures at such a miniature level. She also wondered what they had thought about when carving the details. Did they think at all while performing such a delicate task ? Surely one had to be fully focused on the actual task at hand and could not let one’s mind wander off into other areas of interest.

She turned it over and caressed the small carvings of names (or of initials depending upon how long the name was) that attested whom it had belonged to. At the bottom she could read and feel the carving of a R and a B. Soon she would add her initials to those names. Whenever she caressed the initials she felt as if she were in touch again with her dead grandmother and beyond her with all her female ancestry. There were so many more beautiful things that she could have taken from her mother’s treasured collection but for some reason this had been the only thing with which she had felt a connection.

She remembered how her grandmother would dote over it and spell out to her the names for which only the initials had been carved on it. She delicately opened the pin making sure she did not prick herself on the edge of it and fastened it to her shirt. It was supposed to act as a lucky talisman. She was going for an interview and needed all the luck she could get she thought. She looked at herself in the mirror and the beautiful carved brooch caught her eye. Lucky talisman or not, she felt this alone would make her stand out in the crowd of candidates.

She smoothed the areas of the shirt around the brooch, combed her hair with her fingers, took her bag and walked out of the door her head full of hopes and the brooch sitting squarely upon her chest. When she slid into the back seat of the cab, the driver’s attention to her brooch put a smile to her lips. If a man so blasé as cab drivers were could be interested in the brooch, so would be her interviewers or at least the female ones.

She touched the brooch softly caressing its intricate details. She was carrying with her the whole female tribe she belonged to. They would not let her down. This was not just any heirloom she thought, this was the combined strength of a lineage of unusually strong women. She smiled again to herself. All would be well soon.

Ya Sahra – Light in Babylon


Alone we are not lonesome

Alone we are not lonesome

19 June 2018

Alonewoman pinterest com 2


Leaves fall off the tree

Yellow butterflies to ground

Moss heather and stone

Mind’s criss-cross of highs and lows

Tangled webs of slain desires


Clouds gathered in skies

Raindrops showering gardens

Pond fish thirst alive

Mind’s preoccupations cloud

Soul reaching out to rainbows


Birds’ flight back to nest

Huddled sounds of nestling wings

Pairs to one’s solace

Breath of the divine inside

Alone we are not lonesome


Reading of the poem: 

Exaudi Vocem Meam Part I – Dark Sanctuary

Le Rêve de la Nymphe – Dark Sanctuary

Les entrailles de ce Purgatoire – Dark Sanctuary