May you end all sanity

May you end all sanity

29 August 2015

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Countries evade me

Jottings of ink on paper

I belong to none


In my mind’s roadmaps

I wish to roam the deserts

Free and sorrowless


Checkpoints won’t halt me

As I walk naked spirit

In between borders


Recomposed music

I sing to the lonely winds

At tip of your lips


Casting away weight

Accumulated shadows

Treasure for the dark


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Will you rejoice now

As I shed all my dried leaves

And find me bare trunk?


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The hiss of water

As it falls from my hilltops

For a spell to cast


Dumbfounded empty

You may fill your void with eggs

For no birth shattered


Winding and steep path

Journey through insanity

A hawk’s eyesight shows


Withering decay

Sprouting roots that hold me not

In thralls I will pray


Come glorious madness

May you end all sanity

And release my wings


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