A terrorist to love – part 9

A terrorist to love – part 9
5 February 2023
Courtesy pinterest.com
She asked the driver to go to Edgware road as he seemed to be taking a different route. She told him curtly that she would prefer if he would take the normal route to Edgware road as she did not think changing the route would get them there faster. The driver simply looked at her in the rear view mirror and said nothing. She started feeling a cold shiver going down her back and her heart started beating faster in her chest. She tried to act like she was not affected at all by his mutism and asked him again pointedly to go through the other route. He just stared at her again without saying a word. She told him she would report him to the station and started typing the number. In one sweeping movement he turned around grabbed her phone and put it in the glove box.

Her heart was beating really fast now. She was not sure whether this was the terrorists taking her away to kill her or whether this was Manas trying to get her to him without the police noticing. After a few minutes settling her racing thoughts, she realized that it was probably Manas trying to get her to him rather than the terrorists kidnapping her as the man could have hit her but just took away the phone instead. She decided that if they wanted her dead she would probably already been dead so she dug her heels into the fabric of the back seat and sat back against the cushion. She was clearly not going to get any information from the driver so she thought it better to save her breath.

The cab drove onwards into small lanes in Westham and then further out into some dingy neighbourhood. It came to a standstill in front of a weather-beaten house with broken windows that seemed on the brink of collapsing. He came around the car, opened her door and then gruffly asked her to come out as he held her arm. As she shrank away from him, he seized her arm stronger and pulled her out unceremoniously. She fell to the ground and he picked her up with both arms under her armpits. He half carried half dragged her into the house which seemed pitch black at first. He then pushed her onto a chair that was at the middle of what seemed to be a living room. In front of her, far from the chair, there was a black man who was looking at her intently.

What do you want from me, she said, attempting to sound self-assured while she was shaking inwards. This was not Manas and she could not identify him as a member of the team who had tortured her when she was in Cameroon. The man just looked at her without answering her question. 

-	Where is Manas, she said. 
-	What do you want with Manas, he said
-	I want to know where is, whether he is safe
-	It is not for you to ensure his safety or query his location
-	Please, I just want to know that he is alright. I want to speak to him
-	You are a burden, a terrible burden and you are not a Muslim
-	I am a Muslim
-	No, you are not. You say words that Muslims say but you are not. Look at how you dress. No decency and your hair is for everyone to look at. You would be a disgrace to Muslims if you really professed to be one.
-	Have it your way. In any case I just want to speak to Manas
-	Forget about him. You must never answer his calls again. You will make no further contact with him. If you attempt to contact him or if I hear that you were with him, that will be the end for you. Do you understand?
-	…
-	Do you understand I said, he was suddenly so close to her, seizing her by the hair
-	Yes I understand
-	Now the driver will take you back near your place and you will forget everything about Manas and about us and beware not to tell Manas anything about this encounter.

She nodded and slowly got up. She felt dejected. The perspective of not ever seeing Manas again was so painful that tears welled in her eyes. She heard someone talking softly to the man who had threatened her and it seemed that he was called Abdelkader. The person talking to him seemed to be called Younes and he was talking very respectfully to Abdelkader so he probably was high up in Boko Haram. Perhaps not the faction in Cameroon but possibly Nigeria. She tried to get a good look at him but it was too dark even though her eyes had gotten used to the bad light in the room. 

Younes gave her a baleful look after he finished talking to Abdelkader. It seemed like none of them had noticed that she had gotten their names. She was indeed very skilled at finding out what was being whispered and this had helped her a lot when she was in the ATU. Younes came towards her, grabbed her arm and handed her over to the driver. She was totally compliant as she did not want to end up dead here in this god forsaken place. She eyed Younes again to be sure to recognize him. They thought they had had the better of her but she would make them pay when she would reunite with Manas…

Lil Wayne - Drop The World ft. Eminem (Official Music Video) ft. Eminem

We escaped at last an end of horror

We escaped at last an end of horror

1 September 2018

Escape horror pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


They told us tales of how we would have gone

With our skins to hide and wailing bellies

With our knees quaking and courage foregone

A tale now foretold as our breaths would cease


The sun melted into the horizon

Traces of the cold to come submerged us

Jaded darkness overcame the prison

This was the end we would go without fuss


The eyes within the cypresses watched on

We walked uphill to places forgotten

The will now forsaken the soul forlorn

A semblance of human its core rotten


They gathered us in increasing darkness

The night was the tool of lasting terror

Free will brought all courage we could harness

We escaped at last an end of horror


Reading of the poem: 

Ends of the Earth – Lord Huron


Crimson Fields

Crimson Fields

30 July 2016

Crimsonfields deviantart com medusea_by_alcove-d778j2l
Courtesy alcove on deviantart.com


Haughty manes

Shake with the terror

Of ending

Dark clinging

To the remnants of the might

Keeping up the fight


Face the Fate

It is above Time

Ease the grip

Lest we slip

Into brink of nothingness

Scurrying the mice


They bathe us

In desperation

Crimson Fields

Power wields

Strength of receding darkness

Blast preceding ice


Reading of the poem: 

crimsonfields deviantart com
Courtesy deviantart.com

People – Kat Frankie