Come play Hyde and see

Come play Hyde and see

22 April 2016

sentiers pinterest com 6


Do you sleep

Within waking Times

Unknown bliss


Away from your withered hands

The shy bloom destroyed


Do you sleep

Between walking ghosts

They speak night

Bleak darkness

On the other side of light

They draw black patterns


Do you yawn

Waking up tedium

Tight eyelids


Sewn against the remembrance

For what the soul yearns


Do you yawn

Your emblem boredom

As world skids

Out of reach

Reality’s dead fragrance

Reeks morals you preach


Do you know

Pulling the carpet


Your kingdom

The smoke loses its high fires

Seeking a new Gray


Do you know

You see then forget



Your mind’s chosen Sisyphus

Come play Hyde and see


Reading of the poem: 

skies huffingtonpost 2 com

Truman Sleeps – Philip Glass

Gone – Philip Glass

The Hours – Philip Glass

The Kiss – Philip Glass

The Light – Philip Glass

The Illusionist Suite – Philip Glass


As the Water flows

As the Water flows

13 September 2015

water flickrhivemind net


The Mind is prison

To decaying Heart in Loss

Of waning Rainbows


The colours spread grease

All over my bent knuckles

That held on to veins


Slithering writhing

Clawing Heart from shadows stood

Sprouting from the ground


I looked back silent

Upon those withering roots

The Heart beat steadfast


As the Water flows

Remembering our lost future

I sail within me


water deviantart com tree_on_water_by_mahaloo

Beyond Connection

Beyond Connection

2 September 2015

Melting image and mans mind

I constructed you

You then deconstructed me

Laughed, hid the pieces


The key to the mind

Lies within thoughts’ meanders

Keys to heart flicker


Captured and released

Unwilling pact of freedom

Misplaced denied bonds


My hands lay helpless

Numbness then blood flowing back

Tingling sensations


Phantom cords cut all

Wounds that had crusted over

Where salt cauterised


Seeking the prison

Of mind that had most mattered

Cotton for the soul

connection spiritscienceandmetaphysics com


Beguiled mind relived

A lifetime of servitude

To masters that fleeced

Connection Suzanne lie blogspot com


A shiver calling

To birth of a new era

Where slaves buy life back


A penny for Love

No quarters given today

Dime dozen’s fickle


Your form bathed in light

Cast against my darkness spelt

Chance of renewal


The candle’s flame lisped

Slithering towards my heart

Whispering new tongue


Every language ours

My thoughts trail off into yours

Beyond Connection


Ears pick up no sound

Artful measures a hiss feigned

Lungs filled in silence

connection whatdoesitmean com