Creatures of the Sun

Creatures of the Sun

19 January 2018

christian-schloe-artflakes com 7the-garden-game-fin-rrr (1)
Courtesy christian-schloe on


Winged creature

Hurried into space

Waning face

Withered eyes

It was the toll from the lies

That ran through the Earth


Bridled mirth

Shaking my insides

We finish

What began

The race an emblem of man

Burning to divide


Flaming ride

Across the valleys

Their wings spin

Tales of lore

When we live forever more

Creatures of the sun


Reading of the poem: 

Crystal Cave – Dreaming Cooper


Remnants of the sky

Remnants of the sky

5 October 2017

remnants tushauscpa com s5_ed902a210e50079746cbffc5f9266fa2


I walked into Earth

Slowing pace

Snuffed the race

Heavy footsteps aligning

Shadows of my Self


Sunlit path

Bursting from the seams

Coiled presence

Breathing dense

Magmatic matter fuming

Boiling resuming


Coupled Eye

Whirling through the sigh


Littered lips

Thirsting as the monster sips

Remnants of the sky


Reading of the poem: 

remnants pinterest com gray_lost_in_storm_sad_woman_rain_people_hd-wallpaper-1611547

Eyes Shut – Ólafur Arnalds, Alice Sara Ott

Many into One

Many into One

7 March 2017

Many pinterest com


Play me games

Colour me ice flames

Fusing red

Blue that bled

Taking contours of the hue

Mixing who is who


Timeless space

Time to which we race

Beyond place

Beyond face

Beyond the meaning of trace

To peak of solace


While mighty cowers

The melding powers

They pelt us

They weld us

Beyond the trickle and fuss

Many into One


Reading of the poem: 

Many youtube com

Adria Blue – BohemianVoodoo

Nomad – BohemianVoodoo

Golden Forest – BohemianVoodoo

De silence gouffre béant faire de moi endormie / From silence gaping chasm to make me a sleeper

De silence gouffre béant faire de moi endormie

(occitan sonnet. Translation into a free sonnet in English below the French version and here)

12 March 2016

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Les paroles vainement dites sont les sceaux des tombeaux

Où lys et pissenlits reposent doux face à face

Gloires et splendeur dédites orientent mes oripeaux

Cœur ouvert de délits ne connaît point disgrâce


Contez-moi les mérites d’arborer les lambeaux

Je vous froisserai les plis de vérités d’une race

Servitudes émérites les portant en flambeaux

Pour des ventres bien remplis sous des cœurs de rapace


Je n’ai eu de seigneur que la douceur des prés

Bleu de vastes océans abritant mes douces nuits

Je nais, hue ! on saigne heure en sang rouge des cyprès


Voyez en mon céans les battements de bleue vie

Il bat en mon cœur fleur violette qu’on tait exprès

De silence gouffre béant faire de moi endormie


Lecture du poème: 

blue hdwallpaperbackgrounds net



From silence gaping chasm to make me a sleeper

(sonnet in English translated from an Occitan sonnet written originally in French above this English version or here)

12 March 2016

bride pinterest com 5


The words said in vain are the seals of tombs

Where lilies and dandelions lay soft face to face

Glory and splendor denied orient my tatters

Open heart of offenses knows never the disgrace


Tell me about the merits of brandishing shreds

I will crease for you the folds of the truths of a race

Distinguished slaveries, carrying them like torches

For well-filled bellies under raptor hearts


I had no other master than the gentle meadows

Blue of vast oceans sheltering my sweet nights

I am born, boo! They bleed the hour in red blood of cypresses


Look hither within me the beating of blue life

In my heart beats a flower violet that they silence willfully

From silence gaping chasm to make me a sleeper


Reading of the poem: 

blue pinterest com 2


“Tristes apprêts, pâles flambeaux” (Rameau) Véronique Gens

Lieux funestes – Rameau/Dardanus (Paul Agnew)

Peuples heureux, Act 2 – Rameau (Les Festes de Polymnie)

‘Je cours flechir un dieu severe’ – Rameau (Les Boreades with Paul Agnew)

The Art of saving a Life – Behind the Scenes (Alexia Sinclair)

Kissed by the Moon – Alexia Sinclair

Whispers in the Woods – Alexia Sinclair