In the name of Love

In the name of Love

7 July 2016

flower david galstyan pinterest com
Courtesy David Galstyan on

Their vision scorched me

Thousand soldiers of darkness

Of untruth their flag


Is this as it is

The sum of all our hardships

Walking on the knees


I roamed the deserts

My hair running its own way

Talks of centuries


My shadows cast light

In the silence of their screams

As the widow dreams


They hardened their hearts

In the name of freedom’s rings

As their chains tightened


Martial waverings

Their walks valleys of despair

As orphans huddled


The suns in me tire

Of the cycles of tales dire

Reinventing hope


The blind men will grope

Their hands panic stricken tools

Their hearts emptiness


Power’s not prowess

Only throne of loneliness

Rotten arm in glove


When I live again

Walk with me in the valleys

In the name of Love


Reading of the poem: 

heart of love rassouli

Kafartu – Dhafer Youssef

Soupir Eternel – Dhafer Youssef

In the name of Love – Dhafer Youssef

Ours Undying Realms

Ours Undying Realms

22 April 2016

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Listen well

We speak in dreamtime

Son of skies

Sun of Earth

We bond beyond miracles

That hastened your birth



Your sinking flesh dives

Into blue

Air bubbles

You are diluted endless

Our tool of the light


Blue in red

Knotted now the thread

Three circles

End the spine

The will then spoken divine

My blood daily wine


realms cosmicpsychic com


Sink your lips

Into my fountains

We chose you

Moon goddess

The tongue more than mere prowess

Pathways to the Gods


realms pinterest com 4


Purple hues

A lost world renews

Blessings born

From womb torn

The openings of wet tides

Dragon tamer rides


He springs forth

The second coming

The mother

A blue bride

Beginning in the ending

The circle is squared


The flames flared

Illusion a wisp

Of dying

Grey kingdoms

Hastened to the fleeting helms

Ours Undying Realms


Reading of the poem: 

realms perierga gr


No Ordinary Love – Sade

Love is Found – Sade

Paradise – Sade

Your Love is King – Sade

Kiss of Life – Sade

Nothing can come between Us – Sade