Pounding Heart

Pounding Heart

20 January 2016

pounding lovethispic com


My heart’s winged strings




Heart’s rendering



Your face

Heartbeat’s onslaught

Steep pace


Reading of the poem 

Thanks to Thomas for introducing me to the Musette. More information on this form of poetry here

Heartbeat – Enrique Iglesias Sunidhi Chauhan

Every time I doubt

Every time I doubt

18 August 2015

doubt creativedesignmagazine com
Courtesy creativedesignmagazine.com


In mind you described

Every single emotion

That would bind us thus


I heard your voices

Like waves of a raging sea

Scourging through my mind


In unseen dark waves

Your voices amplified space

Within very soul


Could thunder be soft?

Loud it raged on but so slight

Between light and might


I knew you never

You recognised me no more

Yet we both knew us


In days’ giddiness

In nights’ fervour we glistened

To every moon ray


I walk uneven pace

Your hand on my shoulder

Rectifies my gait


I fear not I know

You will catch me if I fall

My pace regains grace


The road winds in time

As the winds of change blow hard

But your sails steer me


Every time I doubt

I feel soft your lips’ pressure

And Heart finds solace

Back view of mid-adult couple holding hands walking on beach with seashell in foreground.
Courtesy imart.co.jp