Heads covered in fuzz

Heads covered in fuzz
18 September 2021

Courtesy pinterest.com
The down on her lips
bristled at the sight of them
they coloured street lights

Her peach lips curled up
her face mask of amazement
her blushing cheeks taut

Her muscles strained locked
moving into position
her body knelt down

Every fiber lit
she tore through blooming flowers
fresh grass met her feet

She watched them fearful
her cheeks aflush from the run
her hair in cascades

They reached out to her
features glowing in the dark
heads covered in fuzz

Reading of the poem:

Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits
Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge using the words “peach”, “fuzz” or their synonyms. More on the rules and other poets’ contribution here 

Trinity within my Blues

Trinity within my Blues

30 December 2015

trinity jpl nasa gov
Courtesy jpl.nasa.gov


Fireworks game of stars

Coloured skies vivid flashes

Cool winter’s heating


Instill me silence

From the depths of Mother’s womb

Amnesia’s flowers


A pile of memories

Waiting to catch moonlight’s fire

Insidious rainbows


trinity bbc co uk
Courtesy bbc.co.uk


Red, green, blue, closed hue

Punctuation keeps me sane

Kaleidoscope’s lane


I walk through dreamtime

Cast are the chains of my past

In shadowless groves


Hollow eyes perceive

The shades in between the lights

Darkness plays in squares


Tight-lipped goddesses

Bathing in sun-kissed waters



The old man bled seas

The whales and the mobs freed him

Flags burnt in red skies


You and I kissed sweet

The parting of forever

Between lips and teeth


Sealed in a heartbeat

Promises of stones and cuffs

Slinking pets’ cages


My mind a forest

Tall trees, shrubs, waterfalls crept

Stillness their white tomb


A story breathed hard

A death like many others

Penance for waking


Ten thousand spilled forth

Gushing from open gash fled

Tails and tales for Heads


trinity wallpaperscraft com
Courtesy wallpaperscraft.com


I gathered hinges

Old creaking doors I mended

Parts solace of whole


In between keyholes

Rays of light played with the sun

Games of promises


Three more from thirteen

Trinity within my blues

Jazzy end to days


soul wheatandtares org
Courtesy wheatandtares.org


Morpheus – Sonne Hagal

Silence – Sonne Hagal

The Shapes of Things to Come – Sonne Hagal

Black Spring – Sonne Hagal

Across Time’s Oceans

Across Time’s Oceans

10 August 2015

Courtesy incourage.me
Courtesy incourage.me


Silent water called

Your name resounded in head

As the valley stretched


Hidden realms lit up

From magic in your fingers

As notes struck a chord


Multiverse appeared

Rising from your open palm

Extending Love’s rays


The touch of your hand

Opened doors to other worlds

Where light engulfed all


Courtesy freakingnews.com
Courtesy freakingnews.com

Courtesy photoshopcreative.co.uk



Rotating discs of secrets

Set free all wonders


Star-studded beings

Transparent and ethereal

To your music danced


Words failed me again

As your world unfolded bright

Piercing through my night


Angels sang softly

As my world spun into yours

Skies spilled into Earth


time bearmedicineherbals com
Courtesy bearmedicineherbals.com


Like waterfall freed

My words gushed forth to your side

Building Heart’s bridges


More than a Moon rose

Sun competing in pallor

Confused Universe


Across Time’s Oceans

I wove and sent the Healing

Secret signs of Love


time vibrantnation com
Courtesy vibranation.com