The Shaman Tales 8 : The connection to GAIA

The Shaman Tales 8 : The connection to GAIA

3 April 2020



The first time she had watched the magic spell mutate was when she had released a spell for rain and more than ten creative people read it. She had then compounded that spell and released it again to be read anew. The resulting spell was for a proliferation of butterflies that she had watched gracefully fill the space in her garden. It was a beautiful sight indeed to watch the tiger backs and other species frolic among the flowers. As a result there had been so many more flowers growing in the garden for the rest of the other springs.


She then thought about GAIA’s program for natural disasters that were supposed to occur on the Earth. It was difficult even when connected to GAIA to explain to her that she did not need to carry out her plan of natural disasters to reduce the number of human beings let alone when not connected to her. She seemed bent on her intent and saw the proliferation of human beings on her surface as a disease that required a remedy. According to GAIA, the remedy was to tackle this disease by reducing it in given areas.


She thought back to how human beings also thought they should preserve balance among wild animals in reserve parks by hunting down the ones that proliferated beyond the sustainable level for equilibrium. Surely she could see how GAIA, with the loss of connection to most human beings, perceived them as a threat to the balance upon her. If only human beings were more connected to GAIA she thought. Surely if human beings changed their parasitic way of behaving towards nature, GAIA could be persuaded to not initiate that series of disasters. It seemed, however, that the first of the series of disasters had already been set in motion…


Lamb – Wise enough

He moved with giant strides

He moved with giant strides

16 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on Klassik Magazine


He thought that love was a battle

One to put as task

The chains and tools that he’d rattle

In the cage she’d bask


Envigored by resolution

He moved with giant strides

Yet it was the wrong solution

Strong the soul she rides


She beckoned to him taught him peace

Of leaves that mind did rake

Offered soul and heart to appease

The lady of the lake


Reading of the poem:

Agnes Obel – The Curse (Berlin Live Session)

Open doors

Open doors

13 April 2017

door caochinhan deviantart com


Sniffing free


Whistling through

Winds so true

The doors knocking to the beat

Of the prancing feet


Breathing hard

Looking past the shard

On the cheek

Of the meek

Death transcendence April tool

Journey of the fool


Open doors

Nightingales cross floors

Bending cores

Welding shores

The shaking limbs keep me scores

Of the records’ stores


Reading of the poem: 

door atashafyfe wordpress com

The Song of the Stones – Trobar de Morte

Natural Dance – Trobar de Morte

The Pagan Way – Trobar de Morte

Jerusalem’s lost Ark wind

Jerusalem’s lost Ark wind

16 November 2015

Stairway weary for pitcher Thomasz Alen Copera (2)
Courtesy Thomasz Alen Copera


Swollen Polygon

My Heart shaped Geometry

On which side to draw


Numbers dance hidden

Chance law of art’s memory

Fear outcome curse fades


Loved ones’ blood flesh tears

Angry steel violence clinch

Evening rain, fragile fall


Women dancing star

Wash sadness from soldiers’ eyes

Stone faces missing


Invisible ones

Scream loud, torture unsaid sing

Own freedom bitter


world deviantart com discovery_of_a_new_world_by_noize_b
Courtesy noize on


Dead dance supports graves

Mother dancing wages joy

Foreign laugh anguish


stairway distribute yamdallah blogspot com


Humble Pi curve Arc

Kingdoms cover in bell shape

Secluded valleys


Protect victories

King’s vanity broken works

Lost ancient city


Build Ocean’s Rainbows

Jerusalem’s lost Ark wind

April’s histories


Moon ruins footstep

Dried ambition dust prison

Desert life over


Stop man’s Dominions

Love fall’s million stars

Distant planet’s fog


trail deviantart com seashell_and_pearl_by_yangtianli-d5a92il
Courtesy yangtianli on


Shape of my Heart – Sting

Fragile – Sting

They Dance Alone – Sting

Lost without You – Sting