

3 August 2016

crimson fields deviantart com My-Immortal-by-k-i-mm-i-e



Reality hums

It welcomes

This darkness

A gathering in prowess

Powers of shadow


We speak word

Of wavering flames

Time’s duress

Cloaked in steel

Edge grazing knees as I kneel

In sunken prayer


Heart slayer

Crouching dragon steams

Birth of Fire

In my veins

Blazing shards of them remains

As embers retreat


Time’s defeat

The waters will surge

Days to purge

Beings made

For the changeling lies the spade

Fire and water


Fourth daughter

Bringer of the realms

In dark ink


The growing heat to harness

Explosions of me


Flying free

In purple clad skies


Light the way

Renew temples where we pray

The newborn sunlights


Reading of the poem: 

Purity Blue-Heaven hdwpics com

Labyrinth of Dreams – Nox Arcana

In Memoriam – Arcana

Un passage silencieux – Arcana

Inner Pale Sun – Arcana

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