Walk swim fly anew

Walk swim fly anew

20 March 2016

siren pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com



The preparation

Of witness

Time’s harness

Four horses ride into dusk

Emblem of movement


Guns resound

In the wilderness

Lone bullets

They fly high

Above reasons and meaning

They carve the ether


What is dead

Stays forever down

The lost crown

Ne’er retrieved

Widow and orphan bereaved

Hate composes dread


There are lands

Etched in the kingdoms

Of the sky

Where I lie

My hands gifting the green wheat

Gift of the morrows


Threading fate

Twin are my bright suns

My rivers

Purple clad

Indistinctly good and bad

People of my Heart


Take the twin

From breaking waters

Births’ fusion

Red and Blue

Decompose the Times landscapes

Walk swim fly anew


Reading of the poem: 

rope corbiscrave com
Courtesy corbiscrave.com


13.Mozart’s Requiem – VI. Agnus Dei

8.Mozart’s Requiem-Lacrimosa

6.Mozart’s Requiem – Recordare