Frozen chants curdling

Frozen chants curdling

24 July 2016

chantscurdling voolas com.gif


Sinking ships

Into oblivion

They seep slow

Like white ink

Inverted Chinese painting

Drawing my heart’s lines


The winter

Crawled up in my spring

In Ending


Unreachable changeling

Historical rhymes


Church bell chimes

My viscosity

Seeping through

Praying knees

The hands sunken thunderbolts

In altars’ steep wells



My proud branches fells

I am tree

High in skies

The clouds whisper to me sighs

Of forgotten times


Withered leaves

Count pages’ rustle

As the ground

Gathers bunch

Avid jaws of Time now crunch

Remnants of my bark


They will me

Frozen chants curdling

Upon lips

Lost in pleas

The chest heaving with the wheeze

Renewed consumption


Reading of the poem: 

chantscurdling on yatabaza com redhawk8.gif

You are my Winter – Dillon

The Unknown – Dillon

Texture of my Blood – Dillon

Renew my essence

Renew my essence

28 August 2015



The days leaked by slow

Decomposition of me

Like clocks that wind down


Insanity froze

In recognition of throes

That distilled heart’s blood


Time came to standstill

I, serene and unperturbed

Whipped up all hell’s fires


In between spaces

That misspelt meanings of me

My words lay out bold


I touched not the hours

Seeping through my fleeting hands

That no land could rake


Wisps of flesh stood stark

Between the more and the core

Labyrinth of shapes


Thoughts of all came loose

As mind floated on river

That in my heart flows


This burden was mine

A closed backpack to open

Treasures not to keep


Dissolve the stories

Written with blue veins’ bold ink

That had soaked me down


Renew my essence

Carve out the undetermined

Let it now be freed


Asleep me 2