Growing sunshine pours

Growing sunshine pours

16 May 2017

light in5d com (2)


Hark listen

The bark whispers thin

Winding through

Willow tree

Speaking of when we ran free

Children of the Blue


Who is who

We know not answer

Question posed


The winding wells tell secrets

Of Love and regrets


Wash my skin

Hone my growing fin

Morrows kin

Usher in

True light invading my doors

Growing sunshine pours


Reading of the poem: 

balance loveandlightportal com

No Love Lost – Bvdub

Morning Rituals – Bvdub

My Sun shines through your Rain – Bvdub


Random walk

Random walk

25 March 2017

flower david galstyan pinterest com 10
Courtesy David Galstyan on


Single tone

The ring of your voice

In my head

Like undead

Flowers gardeners behead

Regain new stem life


Undone strife

Unsheathed once the knife

Safely tucked

As they clucked

Disapproval a constant

Dissonant assent


Once buried

Hare and mice scurried

To the fence

For tuppence

The show a manner of calls

That dead man recalls


Sing the night

Through the larky day

They saw hay

We saw green

The hue somewhere in between

Our truths and their lies


The baby cries

When the milk turns sour

Jaded hour

Wane power

Cities where eyes look lower

Thank meekest sunsets


Waste regrets

On the living mouths

Double talk

Random walk

On brink of togetherness

Living in caress


Reading of the poem: 

flower f-dog net (2)

Take me somewhere nice – Mogwai

Wuthering Waters

Wuthering Waters

3 November 2016




Remnants of the blood

Oozing free

From my wrists

Open palms where there were fists

The fruit in the tree


Of life’s shades

We gathered sunsets

From rewards

To regrets

One hand gives the other gets

Highways from the skies


True shun lies

The wayward promise

The point miss

Take to spades

Buried corpse Heart to liver

The strong deliver


Two coins

They twirl together



One dark weight one light feather

Alternate abodes


Fear erodes

Semblance of the faith

The meek wait

Their weight stance

Of the pathways in between

The dark and the sheen


Love implodes

Where humble meet wrath

Princely names

Playing games

At peaks where torrent explodes

Wuthering waters


Reading of the poem: 


The Day before You Came – Tanita Tikaram


Promise of the Fall

Promise of the Fall

24 July 2016

promisefall baghira com

All is spent

Efforts and prayers

The Dragon


Scales and gills under layers

Mistaken for flesh


Blue genies

Sing of oncoming


Silent flights

When we will roam into nights

Deeper than cyan


Man lion

Keeper of the sun

We are one

Under oath

What seeps in one seeps in both

The blazing branches


Dining smoke

Ribs a black anthem

He inhales

I exhale

Withered lungs flailing ribcage

Burning in the rage


The regrets

They serve no purpose

The chest dark

The heart white

Intervals give me respite

Between mighty breaths


In due time

My rhyme will explain

The meanings

Of the pain

When the dewdrops will recall

Promise of the Fall


Reading of the poem: 

morse krasivie-kartinki ru

A matter of Time – Dillon

Your Flesh against Mine- Dillon

Lightning Sparked – Dillon

Stopping quakes

Stopping quakes

14-15 July 2016

quakes darkernights13 tumblr com tumblr_o842rklI221vnkarlo1_500


Portals guide

Between the twin worlds

Minds divide

In sections

My bodies’ intersections

As the joints shiver


Losing space

Dilating shrinking

Eyes blinking

Blindness sets

In the hollows on my face

No lives carved regrets


Stories flow

In the Gods’ secrets

Like honey

From the bees

I gather all on my knees

Token of knowledge


Life on edge

Wavering dreamtime

Spinning reels

Of events

The dramatic one prevents

The greater evils


Million spawns

Unaware games’ pawns

The beast yawns

As they live

The thwarting he will forgive

Ultimate goal kept


Stopping quakes

Tremors now lessened

He listened

As I wept

The large scale adventure swept

Under morrows’ rug


Reading of the poem: 

quakes luke brown gallery pinterest com
Courtesy Luke Brown gallery on

Shiva Tandava – Psy Trance

Indian Trance – Morfou

Orkidea – Morfou