To touch, not divide

To touch, not divide
15 December 2022
Crescent moon
Glistens on treetops
Blowing winds
Change the skies
Cloudy landscapes meet our eyes
Decanting pearl drops

Humans rise
Multiple tasks shake
Their dark ribs
As they stir
Notions of a foregone Time
While the war bells chime

The ground spills
Red waters that slide
They know not
Colours’ calls
Crimson landscapes cut our falls
To touch, not divide

Reading of the poem:
Hans Zimmer – Time


16 March 2021

Curse lifted
Waters seeping through
the tendrils
My heart and mouth uttering
secrets of the soul

The hands joint
invoke better days
They falter
in defeat
Whisper of reunions
calm them in solace

The mind stares
through the passing waves
in springtime
of the slow wavering rhymes
unwinding in eye

Reading of the poem
MESSIAH Project - Sadness

Ocean greets me kin

Ocean greets me kin

24 March 2020


This is not a play

Tragedy nor comedy

This is a life’s toil


I splatter the drops

The waters in rivulets

Aspire for bay


Ocean greets me kin

Movement of waves like my skin

A body of clay



Reading of the poem:


Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly Haiku 298 using the words bay and play. For rules and more poems follow this link.


Gurdjieff – De Hartmann Vol 12: Prière Pour La Miséricorde, Alain Kremski