When the shift caused quakes

When the shift caused quakes

6 November 2015

messenger legionofpagans com
Courtesy legionofpagans.com



Mother now shuddered

Her great body awaking

The deepest Thunders


Heart to Heart relates

In between the neutrinos

That play in the gaps


As the core opened

Heart’s path shifted further out

Where the Red met Blue


The frozen boiled

Kettles left unattended

Spilled the teas’ fresh leaves


Hatter and I drank

He adjusted my bow tie

Borrowed from rabbit


I kept key to door

Inside the waistcoat’s pocket

Lost it in flurry


world deviantart com into_the_storm_by_yuumei-d8firo8
Courtesy deviantart.com

We raced towards end

Pedalling backwards moved not

Keep Heart in stillness


Mother spoke solace

Out of a bottomless well

While sun blazed in sky


Deserts sands lifted

Tidal wave swept across skies

Kissing us goodbye


The pull and the push

Shifted more than my backbone

The Time ne’er came back


When the shift caused quakes

Mother skipped through old doorways

Calming Heart’s tremors


I reached for your Hand

Your hands were cold I knew then

Valleys of ice wept


world by-divine design com
Courtesy divine-design.com


Stive Morgan – Ice and Fire

Stive Morgan – The Crossroads Of Time (new 2015)

Stive Morgan – The Master Of Souls


Across Time’s Oceans

Across Time’s Oceans

10 August 2015

Courtesy incourage.me
Courtesy incourage.me


Silent water called

Your name resounded in head

As the valley stretched


Hidden realms lit up

From magic in your fingers

As notes struck a chord


Multiverse appeared

Rising from your open palm

Extending Love’s rays


The touch of your hand

Opened doors to other worlds

Where light engulfed all


Courtesy freakingnews.com
Courtesy freakingnews.com
Courtesy photoshopcreative.co.uk



Rotating discs of secrets

Set free all wonders


Star-studded beings

Transparent and ethereal

To your music danced


Words failed me again

As your world unfolded bright

Piercing through my night


Angels sang softly

As my world spun into yours

Skies spilled into Earth


time bearmedicineherbals com
Courtesy bearmedicineherbals.com


Like waterfall freed

My words gushed forth to your side

Building Heart’s bridges


More than a Moon rose

Sun competing in pallor

Confused Universe


Across Time’s Oceans

I wove and sent the Healing

Secret signs of Love


time vibrantnation com
Courtesy vibranation.com


Wordly ties can knot

Worldly ties can knot

10 August 2015

Courtesy threadsofspiderwoman.com
Courtesy threadsofspiderwoman.com


Larks raise strings of soul

Tying to the source of all

As nightingale wrings


Crimson in veins pulls

To valleys where flowers bloom

Oblivious to death


Tug-o-war of mind

Struggles within netherworld

While the flesh decays


Resistance is chain

Like a serpent coiled inward

Bonding to the Earth


Energy flows free

Bliss lies in the liquid state

Worldly ties can knot

knot journeyingtothegoddess wordpress com susan_seddon_boulet_shaman_spider_woman
Courtesy Susan Seddon Boulet on journeyingtothegoddess.wordpress.com