There beside your heart

There beside your heart

25 March 2020

Courtesy pexels

I will bend

Like flower swooning

Into arms


Three moons now replicating

Urgency of you


Grace within

The moments’ magic

Powdered dreams

Where it seems

All my yearning set aside

In mornings confide


Look at me

I am in two suns

Shadow struck

Awe within

Revolution of bosom

There beside your heart


Reading of the poem:

Melody Gardot – Les Étoiles

The Shaman tales 5: Uncovering the shamanic gift

The Shaman tales 5: Uncovering the shamanic gift

25 March 2020

Courtesy Serghei Ghetiu

She had always known she was a white witch, but it was only recently that she had found out that she was also a shaman. The knowledge had come to her after a particularly striking episode when she had been dancing to trance music and had experienced a shamanic journey into another world. She never consumed drugs so knew that there had to be truth to that journey. It was a world where spirits walked in fumes with nothing separating them from other human beings. She had looked around her in the night club and nobody else seemed to be noticing the spirits yet all of them were dancing to the same music she was dancing to.


She looked around her fascinated. The stroboscopic lights cast around filled the fumes of the spirits with various lights making them look like rainbows disintegrating on the dance floor. She wondered what the spirits were doing in the night club. Were they not meant to be somewhere more peaceful, she thought? One spirit seemed to realize that she was looking right at it and not through it and came up close to her. She was not sure she felt comfortable enough this close to it and raised a hand. It went right through the spirit who laughed. It was not a wicked laugh, just a friendly amused one. She laughed back. They were not as terrible as many made them to be. They only wanted to be part of this world just like us, she thought.


That was all before she discovered the extent of the Shamanic gift. How it could allow her to summon either the raven’s rains or the fires of the phoenix. That was before she discovered that the combination of the witch capacities and the shamanic gift could help mold consciousness itself


Cyberion – Strange Signals