Of weights unpacked the Heart mind frees

Of weights unpacked the Heart mind frees

2 October 2016

Courtesy Mirella Santana on cuded.com


Pulse at jawline ring at temples

The anger rises in defeat

Designs in blue waves now compete

Child of chatter cheeks in dimples


Promise lost the paper crumples

Shards of splinters in my eye meet

Remnants of the yonder heartbeat

Trodden feelings deadwood samples


Reaching through the timeless spaces

Vain wane invented memories

Waking sleep for Earthen traces


Discovering the height of trees

Movements halted muddled laces

Of weights unpacked the Heart mind frees


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy menelwena on menelwena.ektablog.com

Esbjörn Svensson Trio – Believe, Beleft, Below [ph. Noell S. Oszvald]

Esbjörn Svensson Trio – What Though The Way May Be Long

Esbjörn Svensson Trio – Reminiscence Of A Soul

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