

7 April 2016

indentures fadedandblurred com
Courtesy Brad Kunkle on


There are roads

Winding through thickets

Wild bushes

Tangled trees

The heart of where humming bees

Fierce lead to freedom


The bridges

In between the worlds

They shiver

Rumbling stone

On their tar I walk alone

My feet grey blue smoke


I hear calls

Of towering bluebells

They ring knells

Of kingdoms

Cheshire cat whose head I stroke

Purrs in mirth’s response


indentures pinterest com brad kunkle
Courtesy Brad Kunkle on


They abscond

The reasons excuse

Their flight dark

Bridled spark

We walk while dogs sit and bark

Random happenings


The chest heaves

Ounces of regret

Woven tight

Into might

Fading strength as he believes

Truth of falling leaves


Knitted words

Loose ends flying high



Between whispers and the sigh

I find your heartbeat


Reading of the poem: 

indentures mymodernmet com
Courtesy Brad Kunkle on

Reveal – Bliss and Lisbeth Scott

28 thoughts on “Indentures

  1. Beautiful poem Lady Geetha, your stanza ending “random happenings” my favourite part, simply because it is…simple happenings a sort of peacefulness. And your reading, you are very good, love the sound of your words in your expressions. Bravo 👏👏👏

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Poem is awesome with lots of Rhyming words and beautiful verses. Some real good poetry out there. Loved it. 🙂


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