The Devil’s Wife 3: Valentine’s Day on Earth

The Devil’s Wife 3: Valentine’s Day on Earth

14 February 2016

bloom 7-themes com

She looked around her, the cherry blossoms were whispering secrets of the spring, the lakes were heaving with their golden liquids. All was bliss in Eden and Belzebu was by her side. This was going to be the second best Valentine ever, she thought to herself as she felt him embrace her from behind.

Her thoughts roamed back to their time on Earth when his parents had banished them back in time because he had burnt the moon in his anger over nearly losing her. He was so impulsive she thought to herself with a chuckle.


It was spring and the flowers were blooming. The air was dense with dewdrops. Earth was just discovering electricity. A young man by the name of Tesla lived in the shadow of someone greater who barely allowed him to breathe. He was enlightened and the older frightened, the saddest and most common denominator of humankind’s bleak history. They arrived like a lightning bolt into Tesla’s private chambers startling the life out of his young wits. The waves still shook through the air as they were introducing themselves to him and he touched the sparks all over the room where they had landed. Tesla asked Belzebu about the sparks and marveled at how the dewdrops in the air combined with the Earth’s energy compressed produced the sparks. Soon enough and after he had quizzed Belzebu a million times again about the sparks and Earth’s energy system and engrained power grid, he had ensured they would get a head start on life by procuring an odd job to Belzebu as a stable boy and watchman. By the conditions of his parents, Belzebu was allowed to seek nothing else than a simple life. The pay was sufficient and they also had food and lodging provided for them at a small cabin neighbouring the woods. Belzebu fretted initially over having to resort to a labourer’s life but one look at his wife’s smile then comforted him beyond words.


She watched him toil, so powerful once that he could cover the Earth in one stretch and fly to the moon to send it flaming and rocketing into the cosmos, there he was, tending to the horses, procuring water, repairing hedges and weeding the areas where she grew flowers. She wondered how he did not miss his powers and why he did not rebel against this situation. After all, his parents had made their conditions simple and clear. All he had to do to get full control over Eden was renounce her and their breed but he remained steadfast in his desire to keep both. He could not use any of his powers and the first breach of this would make both lost to him forever. When Valentine’s day arrived, he had a surprise for her, beautiful red, blue and purple roses that he had grown on his own. She wondered how he had blended into one rose bush all three colours but visibly he had not used magical powers as they were still there unharmed. When she asked, he merely smiled and kissed her softly, saying it was his secret. She then asked him how it was that he resisted using his powers just for her. He gazed into her eyes, his eyes overflowing with love and told her “You make me want to be a better man”.

She sighed. So many memories but that one sentence and that particular memory played fondly with her mind and heart every Valentine.


Reading of the story:

lovelife Touchofart eu Tomasz Alen Kopera

Written in the context of Friday Fiction with Ronovan Writes (the prompt being a line from a favourite movie). Ping back and rules here 


Ray Charles and Mary Ann Fisher – Sweet Memories

You make me want to be a better man – As good as it gets

Romance – Frédéric Chopin

27 thoughts on “The Devil’s Wife 3: Valentine’s Day on Earth

    • Oh wow, that is the perfect one indeed! The thing is I was listening to Frederic Chopin’s romance when I wrote this and usually I either put a meaningful song for the poem/story or something I was listening to that inspired the writing.
      I think that this one is the cherry on the cake though. Hopefully people will listen to this song too as many usually read the comments too 🙂

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  1. I just melted. This is gorgeous, Geetha. You are quite the storyteller. I was hanging on every word ans as I neared the end I found myself slowing down as to savour that final moment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Derrick :). I laughed my head off at you not being able to stand Jack Nicholson. I have heard from others that he is supposed to be insufferable. Personally, I don’t know how he is as an everyday persona as I never watch celebrity shows but only their movies (and not all even there). That movie (As good as it gets) happens to be one of my favourites, it is sometimes vitriolic with a daub of sadness, very humourous though and a sweet cross-eyed romance as it so happens in life. I’m glad you liked the Chopin bits here and perhaps on the earlier post. Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you have a special treat for yourself and then to share with us later 🙂

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