Unruly minor

Unruly minor

3 February 2016

unruly blog bankbazaar com
Courtesy blog.bankbazaar.com


Winter’s main treasures

Granted to baby spring’s care

She melted all flakes


We wistful watched her

The celebrated cherub

Our eyes a heartache


Capital the crime

The juvenile detention

Only way for babe


I named her law year

Freshman a youth unvarnished

Chief of her defense


She was but infant

I depicted Dickens’ tales

Leading jury cried


Unruly minor

She suffered major mood swings

From tulips to skies


Guilty the kid charged

Was the dominant sentence

Juries hate the brat


My brilliant defense

Depicting the cub’s sorrow

Stood not her offense


The imp merely grinned

Beckoned to future offspring

She was a star child


Far from innocent

Principal appeal now lost

She mooned the judges


Reading of the poem: 

unruly slodive com
Courtesy slodive.com


Written for Ronovan writes Haiku challenge using Star, Child and their synonyms

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Singing in the rain – Judy Garland

Laugh? I thought I’d split my sides – Judy Garland

Be a clown – Judy Garland and Gene Kelly

26 thoughts on “Unruly minor

    • Thank you Vashti. We always have to watch out when we are a spirited child because chances are one of our own offspring will teach us how our mother felt 😀 . I love the images too and am thankful to their creators who put them out there.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh my! I smiled broadly reading these lines. Being a goody goody girl myself, I surely do hope my kids will keep following on my steps 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well I hope and think they would. As for me, I was quite unruly myself in some ways. In the 80s before it was the trend and because I had no money to buy canvas I would paint on my clothes, mainly jeans and get into trouble with mom and the school because I mainly painted nudes 😀
      Thankfully my two first children are sweethearts but my last takes after me; he is a brat and has a problem with authority in general like I used to. He questions everything to the ground and if you can’t convince him you’re in for a hard time making him do something. Like me though he has a soft heart so if you ask from the sentimental side he will need no convincing 😀

      Liked by 2 people

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