I crossed the river

I crossed the river

10 December 2015


darkside  fastcocreate com
Courtesy fastcocreate.com



Breathless and aching

Every fibre agony

Sanctuary’s walk


Mismatched memories

Winding pathways and meadows

Dollhouses and trains


Tremors in whispers

A cold call to wrong numbers

Dialling the waves


Oceans hung on cliffs

Between skies and the valleys

Cheating gravity


darkside adventupreneur com
Courtesy adventupreneur.com




Clockwork ticking core numbers

Precision like sword


Caterpillar crawled

On leaf flying to nowhere

Reddened veins that flared


darkside humansarefree com
Courtesy humansarefree.com



Tick tock said the clock

Nightingales like mocking birds

Sang shrill the needles


A leap through thin air

Ashen leaf fell to the ground

The night carried me


Hushed party zone cries

In midnight’s celebration

Of butterflies’ wings


I crossed the river

Wound up in dark blue shadows

Other side of Time


darkside ayahuasca-vision-by-paulo-jales-2
Courtesy Paul Jales on ayahuasca-vision.com


The Dark Side of Time – Eric Serra


9 thoughts on “I crossed the river

  1. ethereal and filled with stunning imagery…I could picture oceans hanging from those cliffs in this alternative time and space…a gorgeous write in senryu form 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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