Of mice and dices

Of mice and dices

9 December 2015


dice photoshopcreative co uk
Courtesy photoshopcreative.co.uk


My toes in the sand

Chipped irregular paintings

Edges’ adornments


Colourless waters

Whisking away solid grounds

I stand through nowhere


The sea comes to die

On sinking sand that withstands

My frame as I lie


dice en wikipedia org  mice.jpg
Courtesy en.wikipedia.org



Down crashes the moon

Picture perfect of night fall

Under rising sun


dice hdwallpapers im
Courtesy hdwallpapers.im


The waves roared thunderous

Upon wild decaying shores

Swept dark moonlight’s blue


Winter’s rain beckoned

Fleeting recognition’s wink

Seasons bear their tides


I rose up to ends

Stammered stories, chattered pains

Of mice and dices



Skateboarding Mice On The Gold Coast
Courtesy Shane Wilmott and Tim on huffingtonpost.com


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Howard’s End Trailer

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