Regaining Unity’s Faith

Regaining Unity’s Faith

26 September 2015



Lavender blue pearls

Fell from a dark cloudy sky

Where birds still flew free

Blue Heart within me twitching

Seized my soul casting it away


Luxuriant green

Surged in the landscape around

Heather’s mossy green

She followed me, slight footsteps

Within the shadows of me


The plains swirled beyond

While the skies danced in mid-air

And the Earth paused not

I looked at her face I loathed

And now found only beauty


The sun emerged bright

Reintegrating lost space

Within the heavens

Regaining Unity’s Faith

I embraced myself now whole


soulparts justbeingpatricia com

A few words on the video:

Please do not view in the chain any symbol of religious faith as I am using it merely as a symbol of the bond between the two selves (outer and inner). I found the video interesting insofar as it communicates the reintegration of the self and therefore the faith in the unity of oneself.

A few words on this poem:

I wrote it after having spoken face-to-face or over the phone with many people who seemed to be going through an identity crisis (or a loathing of themselves, or simply reproaching themselves something in their lives) and even reading about many people who seemed to be experiencing this as far as their blog writings were concerned. I had jotted down a few thoughts but then found a video which totally transformed my Haiku ideas into a series of Tanka which modified totally the imagery.

On a more personal level, this was my mindset several years back but I had never written much about it as I was plunged in the now, in the survival mode, making sure I got through a change in my personal life and dealing with the loss of the custody of my children whose custody I had initially (a twist in the French system wherein they embrace paternal rights more than even the minor children’s right to say no to a change of custody – more poems exist on this matter some of which are under the heading real-life experiences)

I hope that this poem and the accompanying video (if viewed until the end) will provoke some positive thoughts for those experiencing these difficulties.
If you are experiencing hardship and just need some direction or guidance from someone who has had prior experience with this sort of feelings, feel free to write to the email which is indicated in my “about” page. Believe it from someone who has gone through many difficult things in life, truly every hardship can be overcome.

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