What we were tonight

What we were tonight

29 August 2016

ghosts hand
Courtesy pinterest.com


Tonight slipped

From my limp fingers

Grasping none

Life unfair

Chose to pair them open air

Between the spaces


In dream state

I remember touch

We lock hands

In rapture

Hair electric on arm stands

Pulsing the texture



What we were tonight

When the light

Baleful shines

All the softness undermines

Lost scent of green grass


Reading of the poem: 

what byrdfountain com
Courtesy byrdfountain.com

Nothing really ends – DEUs

The Devil is in details

The Devil is in details

14 February 2016

devil artodyssey1 blogspot com tomasz alen copera
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on artodyssey1.blogspot.com


The vultures

Tired dark buzzards

Hungry pair

She had hair

He had all but a tight crop

More akin to a mop


They flew high

On their senseless greed

Death doth feed

These creatures

Hidden in despair’s darkness

Black words their prowess


Drip by drip

Intelligence fed

In doses

With slow words

Dictation manure for bred

In pots with roses


devil Tomasz_Alen_Kopera_art-spire com
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on art-spire.com


Ink to dry

Faces sweet that lie


Rubbing faults

In misheard treasures hunted

Off the grammar’s scales


devil tomasz alen copera mojyawspa co uk
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on mojyawspa.co.uk


The fools’ vain


Intent slain

The pair split

Twice the share’s unholy kit

Bleak fraternity


He went North

She headed down South

Where her mouth,

She belonged

The Devil is in details

Sadness wails me pails


Three can play

Only one can rule

In valleys

Of the blind

They say the subject is fool

One-eyed King scurries


Reading of the poem: 

devil pinterest com 2 Tomasz Alen Copera
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on pinterest.com


Everybody’s fool – Evanescence

Going under – Evanescence

Driving with the Devil – Brasher Bogue

Dance into the Wild

Dance into the Wild

10 August 2015


Courtesy wildwomansisterhood.com
Courtesy wildwomansisterhood.com


Darkness splits from light

Silver rays of moon beckon

Unseen worlds will rise


Melodies clamour

Weaving a way through time’s space

Words respond entranced


Entwining souls meet

On the edge of horizons

Where Truths defeat lies


Skin from skin twitching

Palpable as volts shiver

Through frames fitted pair


Night breathes out softly

Moistness of lovers’ embrace

Breathing wilderness


Break away from day

As crows and nightingales bond

Dance into the Wild

wild nonduality org
Courtesy nonduality.org
wild thedigitalistas com Campaign-Image-Into-the-Wild-unbranded-e1364893494386
Courtesy thedigitalistas.com