Ocean of Despair

Ocean of Despair

28 October 2015

littlemermaid desktopnexus com
Courtesy desktopnexus.com


You ruptured the wound

It flowed freely gushing blood

Clad in muddy red


He watched unmoved, still

While mother hastened lonely

Cleansing though scolding


I ran to your side

He silenced my every step

Held you in between


burn it hdwpics com
Courtesy hdwpics

Hands wrung and helpless

Twin a brother could smother

Chastising, scorching


Confusion roared high

Blue Alice sank in the hole

As the well grew tall


Mother threw me rope

But my spirit cast in stone

Yearned for silent peace


I dwelt low a while

Yearning for twin fluttered

Peace soared through my limbs


Twin futures gleamed raw

More than heavenly pairing

We are our choices


Fools choose with the mind

Arrogance of all knowing

Heart seeing nothing


mermaidscorchedflyingfree courtesy tanjakolrus on flickr com
Courtesy Tana Kolrus on Flickr.com

Token of eternity

Transformed in goodbye

I hoisted new sails


Ocean of Despair

Beckoned with the Tides Rising

As I set out slight


Ten turning to Twelve

Synchronicities strike Death

For second coming

twinflame nevermore services flikie com
Courtesy services.flikie.com

Fleetingly daytime joined in

Fleetingly daytime joined in

17 August 2015

Courtesy twitter.com
Courtesy twitter.com


Birds nestled subdued

Into blissful deep slumber

Keeping us in mind


All nightingales sang

In rapture of the beauty

Of us coiled, uncoiled


Stars whispered secrets

Night had been sole accomplice

As jasmine overheard


Precision tuning

Mind waves sought more attention

I listened intent


Dusk like dawn flickered

In recognition of light

Engulfing our flames


Moons envied the sun

Peering bright into our souls

As our limbs we seek


Urgency in times

Set fire to the stillness

We moved not, lazy


You and I stretched out

Fleetingly daytime joined in

Unveiling future

couple belleandchic com Couple-session-in-bed-from-Mireia-Cordomi_0008
Courtesy belleandchic.com – photography by Mireia Cordomi