Unfolding mysteries spin

Unfolding mysteries spin

11 July 2016


blue singsnap com
Courtesy singsnap.com


Three fingers

Woven in the skin

Define me

Pink contours

The flash seen without detours

As the heat rises


Still glances

As the ship glides on

The icebergs


Above and below now bound

The law of fusion


Hot and cold

Term me dynamics

Balance point

Zero stance

Two heads one bodied soul joint

As the wizards dance


Dead freedom

Measures of the sleep


False we keep

Lulling us into the fields

Where orphans will weep


Writhing frames

The wilting will slain

Our bodies

Fallen stars

Mummies preserved where we’d lain

Tucked into the folds


Death akin

To ecstasies’ flames

Subtle grounds

My mind hounds

Unfolding mysteries spin

A blue heart to win


Reading of the poem: 

spirit universal-link-888 com
Courtesy universal-link-888.com

Uloin – Tenhi

Näkin Laulu (1997 version) – Tenhi

Haaksi – Tenhi


Listen to my Heart

Listen to my Heart

13 September 2015

maiden and knight pinterest com2
Courtesy pinterest.com


Pink petals drop fast

As I race across the times

Dragon Heart ever


Dicing Heart in two

I shared with you Twin other

As glaze hid your eyes


The pool filled with blood

Drop of eternity speaks

Of split happenings

Beyond sunrises

My cloak of Love will shimmer

My wings spell powers


maiden forumsmitegame com
Courtesy forumsmitegame.com


Once upon a Time

Knights flew Heart’s flags and knaves crept

While maidens danced slight


The voiceless Hydra

Rose to feast of fears that howled

Within dark dungeons


The Queen seeks a Page

Unwritten by dark whispers

Where Heart yearns for Love


Kneel unto the Earth

Beyond the voice of reasons

Listen to my Heart


maiden gatheryrecruit lifestyle co uk
Courtesy gatheryrecruit-lifestyle.com.uk