Building mirror’s other reality

Building mirror’s other reality

30 October 2015

 Collecting me

Sometimes, silent, I think of you in fall

It takes all of the dew of autumn leaves

To wet my lip crackling as it now weaves

Rustling edges, Indian summers that call


From creek I look at you now birth from caul

Wistful membranes resist as Earth now heaves

The pull, the push shudder as she bereaves

More so the words that I utter to maul


Sometimes as winter would dispel meadows

It takes the frost on splintered leaves that lie

To shatter all the shards of memory


When I would gaze upon lesser shadows

Filling reducing space from eye to eye

Building mirror’s other reality

balance themysticcowboy com

Love the greatest choice

Love the greatest choice

8 September 2015

love ink361 com


A Heart chooses Heart

In a world where derision

Is erected flag


Life can be silly

Life can be a tragedy

Life can be witty


Love flies own colours

It heeds not the dark of day

Forever rides bright


Breathe I, breathe he?

Single lung within to share

The rasping of Time


Choices we do make

Unbeknownst to rolling stones

Gravity helps fly


Look upon mountain

The tilt in your heart provides

Smooth clean downward slopes


Breathe in then breathe out

My blood anew I will grant

In the name of Love


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Sacred is in move

I will walk to your valley

Pray meet me ahead


Within or without

I will never bend to fear

None to sacrifice


Breathe he, breathe we?

Single Air within to bare

Purified by HeArt


Choices we do make

Unbeknownst to loving souls

Regret kills all joy


Life can be comic

To strip your heart off your smile

To dispel magic


When all spells are cast

Magic can only usher

Love the greatest choice


A Heart chooses Heart

In new World where only Love

Is ignited flag


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Courtesy Android Jones Electric Love
love pleasurable birthing rainbow-light-earth-1-e1394726376687