Dark Matter’s ink diluted

Dark Matter’s ink diluted

10 December 2015

(Original Tanka post “Dark Matter” of March 14, 2015 changed to a new form as a Tanka with a closing Haiku inspired by Ronovan writes Freku but keeping the Tanka form and without rhyming in the other stanzas; I’d be tempted to call it Tankaiku 😀 )

forget weheartit com
Courtesy weheartit.com


Poppies red in field

Danced to the wake of sunlight

Before stillness hit

Like an earthquake hearts burst out

From withered poppies that shrank

Crimson hearts pulsate

In their naked agony

Frail and bodiless

Slender frame responds shaking

As the hearts begin to beat

The throbbing hummed on

Beating to the rhythm of red

Cast on sea of hearts

Ocean in heart responded

While I picked them one by one

Feathers gathered pink

To gushing crimson fountain

Soft they had been once

Mellow in healing touch

Hands extended I faltered

Sewn across bodies

Shells picking up a new life

Hearts reached out in vain

Tight writhing chest echoed dull

As my arms withdrew sullen

All I had was ink

Dark matter spilled on my hands

As I waved goodbye

My mind walked on free yet tied

To a bottomless low tide

Surviving Dreamtime

Dark Matter’s ink diluted

Heart weightless renewed


forget pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com


As the last new moon of the year is soon upon us I set about diluting the past and waking up to new morrows.

Bliss – People Among Us

Read me a story

Read me a story

8 December 2015


story digital-art-gallery com
Courtesy digital-art-gallery.com

Read me a story

Of crimson Tides’ arrival

Upon beating shores


Lull me to that hiss

The thoughts of morrows churning

Incandescent coal


story tiffthetimetraveller com
Courtesy tiffthetimetraveller.tumblr.com


Read me a story

Of Times and of Music’s step

Walked in the starlight


Wake me to that bliss

Unmistakable yearning

Shadowing my soul


story merryfarmer net
Courtesy merryfarmer.net


Read me a story

Of lovers that never die

Etched in the morrows


Shake me lest I miss

Painful though sweet the birthing

Of my inner foal


story poncier org
Courtesy poncier.org


Tell me a Story – Phillip Phillips

Get up Get Down – Phillip Phillips

Gone, Gone, Gone – Phillip Phillips

Home – Phillip Phillips



Now that the trail has gone cold

Now that the trail has gone cold

15 November 2015

trail lovethispic com 45717-Woman-And-Seashell
Courtesy lovethispic.com


In the beginning

Time washed me on empty shores

Shell of air that hung


She breathed me Fire

Mother wove me from her womb

Golden thread for stars


She covered me clay

Rising tides her Oceans spent

Nights on my dark hair


trail pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com

. .

She swelled me tremors

Beating Heart she raised me high

Tidal waves my blood


trail crystallinks com
Courtesy crystallinks.com


She kneaded me bread

The black and the white she joined

Every mouth to feed


I wake in her ice

Now that the trail has gone cold

Heart follows her scent

Only my Mother

Scent of Jasmine knew her feet

Ambrosian Life


trail pinterest com spirit of love
Courtesy pinterest.com


The Cranberries – Zombie

The Cranberries – Dreams

The Cranberries – Animal Instinct



No more you nor I

No more you nor I

4 October 2015

drowning pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com


Grasp warmth of my hand

Let me show you miracles

When eyes see with Heart


Two small particles

Equal more than multiverse

When fusing in core


Gift me your spent flesh

Renew in my beating Heart

With Essence of Life


 drowning wifflegif com


Drowning in heartbeats

Breathing through the flow of blood

Glorified Rebirth


 drowning wifflegif com


Reaching zero-point

Where nothing subsists but Love

As the soul transcends


The sound of stillness

Resonating in the Soul

More than mere Magic


No more you nor I

Not even a third being

Just all that will flow


drowning megcabot com (3)
Courtesy megcabot.com


Night engulf me like satin

Night engulf me like satin

1 October 2015

night pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com


Let me feel your spark

Night engulf me like satin

With taste of exile


Beating at lids’ rhythm

The heart cries, so slowly dies

And I brood awhile


No time for fretting

Pick up notes of melody

Recompose in style


night pinterest com 4
Courtesy pinterest.com


Look into abyss

Forget bliss of yesteryears

All false smiles beguile


night 04658128030251186342 blogspot com
Courtesy 04658128030251186342.blogspot.com


This real means nothing

The void’s clamour grows in me

Time to fly agile


Illusion’s schism

Destinies paths fork through eyes

A choice so fragile


Let me feel your dark

Night engulf me like satin

Smother me hostile


night hdimagelib com (2)
Courtesy hdimagelib.com

Tragedy will become me never more

Tragedy will become me never more

27 August 2015

chimera wnd com
Courtesy wnd.com


Your heart and mine would play an Opera

Tragedy will become me never more

Light as feathers hearts would forever soar

Just like Love in the Time of Cholera


Deadly beauty I was your chimera

Bellerophon my forms would yet adore

Light of Love in beating heart the Truth bore

Transforming ancient beauty of Mithra


Redemption, sweet peals of child’s laughter swell

Kings bowed and the unborn sang of solace

Golden words weaving path into Heart dwell


We walk side by side death shies from our Grace

Joyful church bells unearthed the dreaded knell

Of buried past transcended by Heart’s space

chimera martinez0707danijel blogspot com the-love-binds-them-all-together-in-perfect-unity-couple-christian-wallpaper-hd_1366x768
Courtesy martinez0707danijel.blogspot.com