In the gold of alchemist

In the gold of alchemist

8 August 2017

gold synergetic qabala 2
Courtesy Synergetic Qabala


Shining lines

Covet lightened shrines

Come hither

We cloak selves

In the gold of alchemist

Leaving copper trail


Trade my faith

Thousand bolts under

Thunder’s call

Tall to wraith

The subdued versions recall

Memories of the fall



Will bring me ember

Of moon’s death

Slow sun’s breath

A tale to remake amber

Jaded tiger’s eyes


Reading of poem: 

gold synergetic qabala
Courtesy Synergetic Qabala

In search – Manish Vyas

Préserve mon Aquitaine des complots qu’ils ourdissent / Preserve my Aquitaine from the plots they prepare

Préserve mon Aquitaine des complots qu’ils ourdissent

(Poème écrit sous forme de sonnet occitan en vers Alexandrin. Traduit en sonnet anglais ci-dessous ou ici)

22 décembre 2016



Retrouve dans les tanières le vieux lion affaibli

Sans passé sans demain source tarie exposer

Reléguer les rivières aux bons soins de l’oubli

Les clés du lendemain dans âme entreposer


Vois-le reprendre matière de substance anobli

Ambre et myrrhe sur jasmin un tapis déposer

Elaguer les clairières bois de teinte rétabli

Se frayer un chemin dans nos cœurs reposer


Dessine-moi un agneau vaquant libre en demeure

Cloître froideur de domaine où les bons cœurs pourrissent

Remets-moi mon anneau d’avant que je ne meure


Les loups recouvrent la plaine de nos corps se nourrissent

Ravive-moi le flambeau tendu à la vaine heure

Préserve mon Aquitaine des complots qu’ils ourdissent


Lecture du poème: 



Ma Liberté – Serge Reggiani

Les Loups sont entrés dans Paris – Serge Reggiani

Le Temps qui reste – Serge Reggiani


Preserve my Aquitaine from the plots they prepare

(Translation into a sonnet in English from a French occitan sonnet written in Alexandrin. See original above or here)

22 December 2016



Find hidden in the dens the old lion weakened

With no past no morrow dried shrunken source expose

Relegating rivers to care of oblivion

The keys of tomorrow within the soul dispose


See him resume matter of substance ennobled

Amber and myrrh on jasmine a carpet depose

Prune the trees in clearings wood in hue established

Plowing hard a pathway into our hearts repose


Draw me a little lamb running free in the shed

Cloister cold of domain where good hearts are rotting

Relinquish to me ring from before I was dead


The wolves cover the plain make our bodies repair

Revive in me the torch stretched to vain time ticking

Preserve my Aquitaine from the plots they prepare


Reading of the poem: 


Comfortably Numb – Roger Waters

Watching TV – Roger Waters

Perfect Sense I & II – Roger Waters

Three Wishes – Roger Waters

The Tide is Turning – Roger Waters

Amused to Death – Roger Waters

In between two worlds

In between two worlds

18 October 2016



Ghostly hand

Meets my knee’s hollow

Breathing slow

Pulling back

Memories of scent to stack

Jasmine and amber


The clamber

Vertiginous scale

Edge of sight

Born twilight

The shimmering radiant light

Engulfing me frail


Swishing tail

Breath of volcanoes

My liquid

Burning toes

The calming down of the woes

Cool in composure



My chest a wasteland

Red dragons

Birth anew

We tamers gather in few

Riding over sand


Pungent feel

Your head now will reel

Chilly flakes

In the sweet

The lips pursing as they meet

Dots so explosive


To forgive

Connecting the dots

Molten thoughts

Lava stream

Scorching my back in a dream

In between two worlds


Reading of the poem: 

dragon pinterest com blue (2)

Free – Stevie Wonder

7 Seconds – Youssou N’dour feat. Neneh Cherry

Crazy – Seal

Dreamtime’s kiss

Dreamtime’s kiss

13 February 2016


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Enter a caption


Wane spirit

Comfortably tucked

Beside me

Breathing soft

Exhaling scent of amber

Musk and sandalwood


The tremors

Silently waking

The body

A snug spoon

Whispering under the moon

Night of no farewells


Inky black

It extended wide

Our slumber

Deep consumed

With heartbeats now soft resumed

Rhythmical slow dance


Play the track


Brought alive

In our ears

Lost in a shadow less dream

Casting away fears


Hearts flutter

Sleep’s proximity

Sheer hindrance

For the love

Waking duty’s vibrancy

No time for penance


At dawn’s stride

Unabashed fingers

Implore sly

Rise and lie

There are landscapes to explore

Under moon then sun


Seek and hide

Abundance in me

Roam the sky

Stir the sigh

Wake the fragrance that lingers

In heart of gardens


Make me miss

The moments of calm

When we knew

Deep and true

The linings of fate and clouds

White and silver shrouds


Dreamtime’s kiss

The most soothing balm

Heart so blue

Stirred anew

Beats to new found melodies

Where soul is at ease



Tomasz Alen Kopera_09_reverse love


9na Sinfonia – Beethoven

Moonlight Sonata – Beethoven

Fur Elise – Beethoven