Alternate realities – Chapter seven : Warrior of Light

Alternate realities – Chapter seven : Warrior of Light

5 March 2020



She focused intently on the dragons evolving with her eyes closed and then opened them after a few minutes. They seemed to be much bigger now although they had not yet reached their full maturity. If one compared them to human beings, this stage could be described as the teenage part of their evolution. A few of them still edged towards her and nuzzled against her almost knocking her off her feet. Horus uttered a strange though vaguely familiar sound and the dragons edged back immediately. One of them knelt down by her side and Horus communicated to her that she should ride on it. She looked at the dragon and then back at Horus thinking he must be out of his mind if he thought she would venture on the gnarled and seemingly slippery back of the dragon. This latter peeked at her with something akin to a grin.


Horus told her she had nothing to fear so she went gingerly up the dragon’s wing and then attempted to make herself comfortable atop its massive neck. Horus told her he would keep her company, so he joined her standing adrift just next to where she was seated but not seated himself, merely hovering in the air. “Are we going somewhere?” she asked and he answered that they were going to the training grounds to test the skill of the dragons that were with them. He uttered another sound or series of sounds and she realized that it was sounds from within the language she thought she had invented.


  • It is not an invention of yours, he said. It is an actual language spoken by some of the Gods of light. You are a warrior of light so know the language as would your twinflame
  • My twinflame betrayed me, she said. I do not think he remembers the language, or he would not have betrayed me as he would have had then become a full warrior of light too. What was his purpose really, she asked
  • You were never meant to house the Mother alone but half of the Mother and half of the Father to keep the balance and your twinflame was supposed to take the other halves. Unfortunately, as he has not yet awoken or only partly awoken, you can only house the Mother.
  • Why is that?
  • It is because more of the father would create more of paternal strength and you are meant to bring more of the female touch to this world to include more nurturing. Besides housing alone half of the Mother and the Father without the syncing with the twinflame to reduce the effect would not be humanly possible and could lead to rupturing of the consciousness, which would no longer be able to stay on Earth as a separate being.
  • Well if we had brought half and half of each of the Mother and the Father would that not have given more vigor to patriarchy
  • It is not a direct equation. As a part of a twinflame connection, your shakti power gets inflamed and that is only a motor for balance. This world being already imbalanced and tending towards patriarchy, the balance would have been to have a resurgence of matriarchy leading to the awakening of the warriors of light in pairs. As a result, the whole system would level out after a period of nurturing and lead to the disappearance of fear and the widespread establishment of love as a universal system. It is then that humanity would be living fully in the Golden Age
  • I understand what you are saying. It seems obvious that we need more nurturing and more equality. This system has failed us and is leading to Gaia being totally unbalanced.
  • You are ready now for the mother. Don’t worry, everything will be alright soon


She looked at the pride of dragons all around her and felt her heart go out to them, her magnificent children. She imagined them evolving again and again they seemed to expand in the air around her. She felt the flapping of their giant wings cool her in a rush of air and her heart swelled with pride.


Invisible Love – Enigma



13 February 2020

Courtesy George Redhawk



The slates wiped away

Room empty

No issue

Just water for some tissues

Spread out on my frock


I crane neck

Following through the insight

Dreary eyes

Unseen wounds

Figures with their knots set loose

Exchanging content


Play no more

Said voice in bosom



All will collect in dismay

The moments of loss


Reading of the poem:

Meu Fado – Mariza

Flawless and silent

Flawless and silent

26 August 2015



The sun set like stones

Over valleys of despair

And sunk into me


Newly found nerves twitched

Endlessly replicating

The agony felt


Pleasure, agony

Through the same circuits altered

Every inch of me


Earth shivers then frowns

What cruelties it beheld

Bestowed upon me


Cutting inch by inch

Separation sliced us both

Into oblivion


Only piano played

Symphonies hushed to nude form

Of faceless sorrow


Stones raised me pillar

Of unswaying devotion

That angels cried for


You cried as I did

My heart bids you not goodbye

I yearn for your hand


You will sail on boat

I will await you on shores

Weaving our new fate


The Earth will renew

Time will stand still as we merge

Flawless and silent


dark forwallpaper com

In mutual growth

In mutual growth

3 August 2015

growth Erik Brede advance photoshop co uk
Courtesy Erik Brede on

Roots grow spreading out

Blossoms reaching out to worlds

Feeling ways other


Touch ever so slight

Fertility’s miracles

Birth of new wonders


Expanding fibres

Connecting dilating spores

Life grows from union


Seeds rise above root

Rivers of discovery

Separation is


growth Erik Brede fineartamerica com
Courtesy Erik Brede on


Boughs darkened lay bare

Life stilled at extremities

Lost nurturing touch


A spark connects ends

Green life sprouts again

In mutual growth


Symphonies sing loud

Promises of distilled births

As touch grows finer


growth zazzle nl    yin_yang_boom_van_het_leven_vrouwen_yoga_canvas-r8dd86890b79f4a32afc504c52b777440_idr4w_8byvr_324