Blended illusion

Blended illusion

14 November 2016

heart of love rassouli com 2


Three to one

Sorted confusion

Our limbs meet

Green hilltops

Slopes sliding through the morrows

Forged in the sorrows


Priest and nun

Thwarted diffusion

Our bones sweep

Blue graveyards

Where the look takes to the kill

Bodies lying still


Hopes are torn

When the children die

Pennies lie

Change wasted

The smiles on our mouth pasted

With gruesome dark glue


Blink I’m gone

Remnants of pieces

Skin hanging

Rose petals

Showering your pale body

As the sound subsides


Wild horse rides

Peaks of never more

Wave broken

On the shore

The hurt still throbbing and sore

Wrists red though uncut


The eyes shut

Blended illusion

Surging through

Blue temple

Your breath warm as I tremble

My way through your chest


Reading of the poem: 

heart of love rassouli com 3

The Trees – Max Richter

The Tree the Beach the Sea – Max Richter

This Bitter Earth / On the Nature of Daylight  – Max Richter / Dinah Washington

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