Weavers in dungeons

Weavers in dungeons

16 May 2016

The_Scream en wikipedia org
Courtesy en.wikipedia.org


Crawling Earth

Heavenly nature

Wasted flight

Burnt candle

Amorphous remnants of light

Hybrid beings roam


Scorching rays

A prison so bright

Morning sun

Shunned glory

The rebels face fate gory

Beads of consequence


The hand counts

Remainders of days


Fly in hours

Counting the traces of scars

From wings’ extraction


Monster park

Theme of a nightmare

Creepers seed

With tight veins

Thickening branches restrain

Every free movement


Running still

Mouth a gaping hole


Screaming void

Face of expressions devoid

Legions of stillness


Eerie lights

Decorate their frames


Ancient names

Lie in books to raise them free

Weavers in dungeons


Reading of the poem: 

the scream pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com

The offering – Shaman’s Harvest

Dragonfly – Shaman’s Harvest

In chains – Shaman’s Harvest


Redefine purple

Redefine purple

16 May 2016

purple woman 1wallpaper net
Courtesy 1wallpaper.net


Smoky eyes

Redefine purple

The mist’s haze

The mind’s maze

Blue and red now come ablaze

Twining with the sun


End of lies

Redefine purple

Flowing tide

Glowing pride

The boon granted to the bride

Under the new suns



Redefine purple

Wings aglow

Splendor show

Riding through the high and low

Going with the flow


Reading of the poem: 

purple lonerwolf com
Courtesy lonerwolf

God is trying to tell you something – The colour purple