Particles to keep

Particles to keep

21-22 February 2016

Tomasz-Alen-Kopera meta-lands com
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on

The fog clung to him

Like a parasite on beast

That shuddered anew

Confusion reigned in bosom

Replicating dormant fears


The moon high in sky

Glistened on frozen landscapes

Colour of silver

Within my heart the stillness

Shone with steely glint’s tremors


The clouds soft whispered

To pregnant skies that would weep

Particles to keep

Like uncertain skies I shed

Secrets of life that we dread


Reading of the poem: 

Tomasz Alen Copera creativelife cz
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on


Too much Heaven – Bee Gees

34 thoughts on “Particles to keep

  1. The weight of the world lines from the opening image of a shackled angel to the whispers to pregnant skies (one of my favorite images) there is a build up of tension that will hopefully be released Eventually we have to face those fears whose roots are buried deep within the particles of our being. I believe it’s when we have faced our deepest fears that we can finally see that light. Gorgeous poetry, Geetha!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This has to be the most awesome description of a character ever “The fog clung to him

    Like a parasite on beast

    That shuddered anew

    Confusion reigned in bosom

    Replicating dormant fears” It says so much about him and its so vivid and visceral at the same time. you can feel his confusion and the annoyance of the fog.

    Liked by 2 people

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