Dreamtime’s kiss

Dreamtime’s kiss

13 February 2016


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Wane spirit

Comfortably tucked

Beside me

Breathing soft

Exhaling scent of amber

Musk and sandalwood


The tremors

Silently waking

The body

A snug spoon

Whispering under the moon

Night of no farewells


Inky black

It extended wide

Our slumber

Deep consumed

With heartbeats now soft resumed

Rhythmical slow dance


Play the track


Brought alive

In our ears

Lost in a shadow less dream

Casting away fears


Hearts flutter

Sleep’s proximity

Sheer hindrance

For the love

Waking duty’s vibrancy

No time for penance


At dawn’s stride

Unabashed fingers

Implore sly

Rise and lie

There are landscapes to explore

Under moon then sun


Seek and hide

Abundance in me

Roam the sky

Stir the sigh

Wake the fragrance that lingers

In heart of gardens


Make me miss

The moments of calm

When we knew

Deep and true

The linings of fate and clouds

White and silver shrouds


Dreamtime’s kiss

The most soothing balm

Heart so blue

Stirred anew

Beats to new found melodies

Where soul is at ease



Tomasz Alen Kopera_09_reverse love


9na Sinfonia – Beethoven

Moonlight Sonata – Beethoven

Fur Elise – Beethoven


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