Distance fades

Distance fades

21 December 2015

(This poem was originally written as a Shadorma under the title “The fading Times’ cuts” and I then reworked similar ideas into a different form called Tetractys transposing it into a double Tetractys as figures below)

blue jattdissite
Courtesy jattdissite.com



Clasp firm

Your memories

Ghosts of future

Relentless the fading Time cuts through us


We carve souls in handwritten book of faith

Through stolen thoughts

Distance fades




blue tango bassedef com
Courtesy bassedef.com


Breathe – The White Birch

24 thoughts on “Distance fades

  1. I love this, subtle reworking of the earlier piece. I wish I knew a little more about poetic styles and construction. Sometimes I feel like the “handy man” of poetry. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Eric. I discover these myself as the only forms I knew before beginning my blog were sonnet, Alexandrin and a couple more forms related to French poetry. The rest I picked up while blogging. Shadorma thanks to Thomas a few weeks ago and Tetractys a couple of days ago thanks to Annie. It’s fun to try new styles to express oneself and sometimes you find that some poems flow better in a form that you might not have thought of before. I am loving the broader horizons. You should really try. In any case you’re not the handyman, you’re the knight 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are such a sweet person to say so. I’d be honored to have a title like that. I’ve always put it on my list to learn more about poetry styles. Perhaps I’ll get to it in the new year.

        Thank you for the smile, Geetha.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you. I don’t usually do awards as I am not really sure what purpose they serve but did nominate you as well because Tosha had nominated me for the Dragon loyalty award. It was in the post Dragons in heart 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Thomas. You should definitely use it. I think it will become you. When I first saw it on Annie’s blog I was quite impressed and then I saw a few other poems too and was definitely conquered. I have written two now in the form toying first with a single Tetractys and now with the double. The more we expand the forms in which we can express ourselves the more I feel our capacity of expressing ourselves in more forms grows. It’s really quite thrilling 🙂

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