On Being the Light

On Being the Light

14 May 2017

starlight conduitgallery com
Courtesy conduitgallery.com


Open Heart

Revel in the Love

Carry Dove

High above

There are no ceilings in white

Enhancement of Sight


Whirl onward

Toward trodden path

Past intent


The frequencies fly the wing

Mind remembering


Speed the pace

The way to solace

Delves inward

In trance meant

Let us reveal enchantment

On Being the Light


Reading of the poem: 

al tuo tocco 4 stock-footage-meditation-leading-to-the-enlightenment-and-nirvana-chakras-opening

Pankh Hothe Song – Pravin Godkhindi Flute

Unwinding all Time

Unwinding all Time

14 June 2016

void highreshdwallpapers com
Courtesy highreshdwallpapers.com


The wind blows

On sands of the mind

Stripping bare


Like wrecked car that truck tows

A recovery


Winding path

It leads to the source

Of all thought

Inner frame

Coil to all what we forgot

The discovery


Do you hear

The voices beckon

Other side

Welcomes air

As the wind hollows the wall

In between phases


In dreamtime

We travel places

Where we see

All that is

Today in tomorrow’s past

The events that last


Beyond Light

There is a darkness

That unfolds

Million leaves

The space tapestry it weaves

Fractal threads twirling


Splitting space

The guiding ridges

They join weave

The cuttings

Loosened ends that minds deceive

On isolation


In the Heart

Shudder throbbing walls

Inner blue

Outer red

In between a thin parchment

Of opposed syntax


The truth lies

In the middle way

Where souls twirl

To fading moon

Where the sage and the fool swoon

In ecstatic trance


Whirl with me

Through the bleak sandstorms

We will reach

Beyond norms

Where everything is nothing

Unwinding all Time


Reading of the poem: 

whirlpool messier 106 csmonitor com
Courtesy csmonitor.com

Gafsa – Natacha Atlas

Maktub (etheric messages) – Natacha Atlas

C’est la vie – Jean-Michel Jarre feat. Natacha Atlas