Love in what you do

Love in what you do

22 January 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


Breathing hiss

Lungs rustling papers

Chained within

Free without

The heart in tears the mind stout

Dichotomy’s kin





Mocking moth

Reverie converted sloth

Society’s skin


Breathing bliss

Renewed revision

Seeing right

In the light

Contours define the shapes sight

Love in what you do


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Let Go – As Seas Exhale

Grief and Dust – As Seas Exhale

Not All Of Us Can Do Great Things…but We Can Do Small Things With Great Love – As Seas Exhale

Can Earthly love heal?

Can Earthly love heal?

7 August 2015


Path to down under

Heaving with the keen longing

Of forgotten Grace


Listless I walk sole

Survivor of gushing wounds

That severed my soul


Walking in my trail

Your eyes follow my blithe frame

In dreams we unite


While I catch your gaze

Stillness turns turbulent flood

Lucid reverie


The warmth of your breath

Rekindles love’s memories

That stood still in time


The heat of your smile

Pierces through the icicles

That clung to my lids


The fire in your heart

Setting ablaze liquid soul

That dissolved in love


My fingers lay slight

Asking of the edge of you

Can Earthly love heal?


Love 4