A Tale of Two Crowns

A Tale of Two Crowns

18 July 2016

twocrowns fr pinterest com
Courtesy fr.pinterest.com

Fleeting touch

Intensified grip

As I dip

Into you

Spilling over countenance

Your voice my penance


Silent prayer

The nuns mortified

Broken words

Leading herds

Into the gardens of dark

Gone is the light spark


Night crawlers

They worship the skull

Lonely bones


Intricate architecture

Hallways of priesthood


The suns rise

In confined spaces

Crisp contours

Black white squares

Sunsets and sunrises spent

As brood-breeding mares


Fences dense

Virgins lily white


Sacred heart

Of eras of knighthood toils

The best of the spoils


Rising star

Bees and flies flutter

By your sight

Twin twilight

Purple points to where we are

A Tale of Two Crowns


Reading of the poem: 

twocrowns wallpaperweb org 2
Courtesy wallpaperweb.org

Clavicula Nox – Therion

Raven of Dispersion – Therion

Son of the Sun – Therion

Breathe – Aleah

Vapour – Aleah

Sacrifice – Aleah

In Heart binding vows

In Heart binding vows

7 July 2016

flower david galstyan pinterest com 4
Courtesy David Galstyan on fashionmodel.am


The dragon summons

Throngs of knights like nightingales

They whisper secrets


Into the dark night

They move in hurried footsteps

Their cloaks mantelpiece


Stories of knighthood

Belie undercover truths

That bask in the sight


The blinded eye sees

Retro projections of life

Of a past Time stale


Life scurries in paths

Where the unwitting stumble

Their gaze dream’s wonder


In Heart binding vows

Gushing forth like fast rivers

Rushing to the sea


Reading of the poem: 

flower david galstyan photodom com
Courtesy David Galstyan 25thcenturyy.com

Two Trees – Ludovico Einaudi

Le Onde – Ludovico Einaudi

In un altra vita – Ludovico Einaudi

Primavera – Ludovico Einaudi