Swaying to the Times

Swaying to the Times

28 September 2015

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Courtesy pinterest.com



Exhausting Travels

This constant leap in between

Today and morrows


The night’s waking hours

Spent counting milliseconds

Time freezing over


Forward pull and push

The traction of disclosure

Living Time extreme


Knowing, unknowing

Confusion of the senses

Reaching zero-point


Gone is brutish task

I yearn for the yesteryears

When it closed the eyes


Two to three implodes

Cover me with unseeing

Lest I lose my mind


Quaking soul I see

Damned to live the waking lies

Darkness smothers cries

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Courtesy pinterest.com


Moon be gone disgrace

I look upon treacheries

When I loved your face


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Courtesy pinterest.com

Winter stark I come

Cloak me in your icy gaze

Unwinding the loves


Today has lived long

Burning through tomorrow’s flames

Time in credit spent


Encash me this life

Give me from your burden’s hope

Death of your kisses


Speed them to the peak

The numbing of my senses

Swaying to the Times


Let me come undone

Future kisses spell me rhymes

Not burden of loss


Still the time in Heart

Of all months choose the twining

For fish then swam free


I hark to the chimes

I see your naked future

My soul walks with yours

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Courtesy pinterest.com