The red writhing hood

The red writhing hood

14 August 2015

red deviantart com little_red_riding_hood_photo_manipulation_by_sirector001-d5xvcfr
Courtesy sirector001 on


In the woods she strays

Flowers bloom in every place

Sun goads her deeper


A clearing sits well

In midst of mind’s dark thickets

As sun’s rays lessen


Flashing teeth bore hard

Into mind bewitched by stars

What an ad venture!


Reality strikes

Talking into the wrong strides

As footsteps recede


Its breath came noisy

Now lurking in the darkness

Old foe sat quiet


The red writhing hood

Would have to defeat again

A new big bad wolf


Silver metal shone

Whose blood was it now that pearled

Upon naked flesh?


Grey daylight broke bond

Metamorphosis flamed skin

Consumed as ashes

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