Wet grass tickled feet

Wet grass tickled feet

30 October 2020

 Children of morrows;
 their cries ringing everywhere
 soaking Earth purple
 Foggy landscapes met
 teary eye saturated
 with pains of fledglings
 Stormy weather formed
 flower of life in my chest 
 that drenched my heart red
 Pouring rain renewed
 hope in another Earth’s rise
 The bud of my thoughts
 Petals bloomed in mind
 blossoms of tomorrow’s world
 that dewy drops spelt
 Misty skies breathed soft
 whispers of promises kept
 Wet grass tickled feet 



Reading of my poem:

Whirling Dervish – Mevlevi Sema Ceremony

Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly Haiku challenge using the words “Wet”, “Bloom” and their synonyms. For rules and other poetic contributions, follow the link here https://ronovanwrites.com/2020/10/26/ronovan-writes-weekly-haiku-poetry-prompt-challenge-329-bloom-wet/

Chalk drawing

Chalk drawing

23 March 2020

Hello everybody and I hope you are sound and safe at home or elsewhere.

This is my new attempt since a while with chalk. With everyone self-isolated or almost, it seemed like a good idea to start with this again.


The last time I drew with chalk was almost 3 years ago so I became rusty again at it. The chalk I ordered was quite small so difficult to maneuver and disappeared quite quickly but I hope you will like this all the same.


Stay blessed, stay safe until this whole thing blows over, hopefully in time to let us enjoy some spring.


The Illusionist Main Theme Philip Glass