He moved with giant strides

He moved with giant strides

16 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on Klassik Magazine


He thought that love was a battle

One to put as task

The chains and tools that he’d rattle

In the cage she’d bask


Envigored by resolution

He moved with giant strides

Yet it was the wrong solution

Strong the soul she rides


She beckoned to him taught him peace

Of leaves that mind did rake

Offered soul and heart to appease

The lady of the lake


Reading of the poem:

Agnes Obel – The Curse (Berlin Live Session)

Open your eyes now Adam

Open your eyes now Adam

7 September 2015

Adam godspromisemytrinity blogspot com
Courtesy godspromisemytrinity.blogspot.com


She whispers to him

Open your eyes now Adam

He awakes never


The sun rises cold

In weary heart that tires

From vulture’s pecking


Let me now forsake

A world where war is holy

Be greatest sinner


Where love is banned sin

Let me spread the unholy

Be ever banished


The woodlands are burnt

She, female Prometheus

Scorched her own pasture


Nowhere would she hide

Though Lords could claim all stardom

Knowledge is for all

Courtesy Jean-Luc on in5d.com


Shades grow in heart’s wells

Overflowing with the Love

Bound to no human


Wells in hearts grow tears

Raindrops from the sky listen

To patter on cheeks


Tears in mind grow roots

That reach seeping to the grounds

Where water runs scarce


Let me nourish Earth

With the wells of my mind’s heart

And perish in here


Tomorrow will grow

Twenty-three white lilies tall

As I birth again


I whisper to him

Open your eyes now Adam

He sleeps forever

adam glasscloud com Valentin Bousch
Courtesy Valentin Bousch on glasscloud.com