Birth the day

Birth the day

1 November 2016


Feel the night

Body aroma

Gifted touch

In fingers

Learning the texture of rain

As it falls off you


Ghostly light

Plays upon your skin

Ringing tone

Of your voice

Whispers with which I rejoice

In corners of mind


Tongue unkind

Pillar of the weak

We undressed

In soul meek

Remnants of stains and laces

Glories disgraces


Heap the wage

Of war and pieces

Of life strewn

Under moon

Ravenous she stilled the dune

That played in your eyes


Tell me lies

Half-truths of morrows

Lead astray

Silent sway

Our naked bodies in hay

Summertime’s promise


The lost bliss

Through your winter’s hiss

Paves my way

Birth the day

When daffodils shine in May

December spotting


Reading of the poem: 


Light in her Eyes – Alexander V.Mogilco feat. SilMi

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