The inverted roles

The inverted roles

8 September 2016



Clay pigeons

Rise up to my height

They fly high

Beyond sight

Artillery drawn reckons

The other beckons


Stand it off

The weight of the knees

Weary eye

Sees double

Compression of dimension

The folded bodies


We scare we

A game of two darks

Shares no light

Display might

It dissolves in the black marks

Streaking down my chin


Lower din

Your voice laminates

The whispers

The answers

To riddles we have become

They sail in monsoons


The three moons

They speak of shadows

That light smite

Pure de-light

Execution of the rows

Taking over night


Shifted poles

Stall my vibrations

They shiver

They quiver

Through contractions deliver

The inverted roles


Reading of the poem: 


Hunter – Björk

It’s in our Hands – Björk

Possibly Maybe – Björk

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