

14 August 2016

void pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com


Cycles start

Within the days count

Sundays end

In Mondays

Twirling through Fridays tolling

To days of the King


Hidden coins

Treasure my crowning

Golden steel

Shines at heel

Drowning water ankle deep

Weaknesses we keep


Fruit of loins

Baskets plentiful

Chosen few

Green in hue

Ripened by the sun and dew

Morrows promises


They depart

Like the rolling stones

Downhill slide

Left to glide

They carve pathways in waters

Unbridled their ride


Like the tide

Ebb and flow of Love


Reaching back

When the storms turn skies pitch black

Sporadic in touch


We juggle

Solitary spoils

Burning coils


When the fires invade trees

Sudden burning frees


Reading of the poem: 

void pinterest com 2
Courtesy pinterest.com

Over and over – Rachel Yamagata

Be be your Love – Rachel Yamagata

You Won’t Let Me – Rachel Yamagata


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